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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Tech Trends: Discover 5 Cutting Edge Technologies Shaping Our Future

The modern technologies we live with perform tasks that once seemed impossible and were meant only for science fiction movies. New inventions are constantly emerging, so with such an abundance of technologies, how will these affect our future online privacy? Today, we will discuss modern technologies that will seriously impact the shaping of our future. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize how our societies function.

The Top 4 Use Cases for Generative AI in Customer Experience

Up until recently, machines mainly focused on analyzing large, existing amounts of data and finding patterns for a multitude of use cases. This is called “traditional AI.” But lately, machines have also started creating new content. And this is now known as “generative AI.” And given the rise of ChatGPT and its peers, generative artificial intelligence (AI) has quickly emerged as one of the most transformative technologies in recent years.

How AI Is Challenging Cybersecurity Efforts

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used for all kinds of wonderful things, with many industries and businesses embracing the technology with open arms. AI can make short and accurate work of many complex tasks, which is seen favorably by businesses. But for all its good, AI also has a darker side which is becoming more evident with each passing day.

Generative AI at Grafana Labs: what's new, what's next, and our vision for the open source community

As you’d imagine, generative AI has been a huge topic here at Grafana Labs. We’re excited about its potential role in bridging the gap between people and the beyond-human scale of observability data we work with every day. We’ve also been talking a lot about where open source fits in — especially if that Google researcher is right and OSS will outcompete OpenAI and friends. What role can we play to bring the community along?

How to upgrade from Aiven Free Tier

In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of upgrading services on the Aiven platform, empowering you to enhance the performance and capabilities of your databases. Upgrading services is essential for keeping your system up to date, benefiting from new features, and ensuring optimal performance. We'll explore how to initiate and manage service upgrades on Aiven, whether it's scaling your service, migrating to a new version, or upgrading your service plan.

Unlocking Customer Service's Full Potential with Generative AI - Infraon

Want to stay ahead of the competition? Discover the most effective ways to use generative ai in customer service! Welcome to our latest video of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its game-changing impact on customer service interactions. As customer expectations evolve, businesses must explore innovative solutions to provide efficient, personalized, and engaging support experiences. Enter generative AI - a powerful technology that can revolutionize the way you connect with your customers!

Introducing Error Groups to the Raygun API

We’re excited to announce an important extension to our API. After rigorous research, testing, and feedback, we’ve launched the Error Groups endpoints. This powerful new addition aims to enhance your monitoring experience and better handle errors across your applications. Our primary aim with the introduction of these endpoints is to offer you a more detailed view into your applications’ error groups, and to offer a way to update their statuses using the API.

Know These 3 Things Before You Dive Into the World of Forex

To those of you who have never been part of the Forex trading world, we assume that there are certain aspects of it that you may find confusing. And that's okay, however, it would be wise to get familiar with them before you take any further steps. The truth is, these basics are not as complex as they may appear to be, however, just like with anything else that's new to you, it's always essential to get your facts straight first. If you need some guidance when it comes to this, then pay attention to the advice below.

Top 6 Tips And Tricks Every Business Owner Should Know

In the dynamic world of business, the path to success is often marked by a blend of innovation, strategy, and foresight. Every business owner embarks on a unique journey, but there are universal tips and tricks that can illuminate the path to prosperity. This guide delves into six practical and insightful suggestions that, when implemented, could significantly enhance the operational efficiency, financial stability, and overall growth of your business. Discover how these time-tested strategies can redefine your entrepreneurial narrative and pave the way for sustainable success.