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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

Reduce compliance TCO by using Grafana Loki for non-SIEM logs

Compliance is a term commonly associated with heavily regulated industries such as finance, healthcare, and telecommunication. But in reality, it touches nearly every business today as governments and other regulatory agencies seek to enact tighter controls over the use of our collective digital footprint. As a result, more and more companies need to retain a record of every single digital transaction under their control.

Best Practices for SOC Tooling Acquisition

Your Security Operations Center (SOC) faces complex challenges for keeping corporate data safe and in the right hands everyday. The right tooling is critical for success. Deciding when—and how—to make investments in SOC tooling is complex and challenging across organizations. There’s a ton of vendor spin out there and it’s important to understand what’s real and what isn’t.

What is System Hardening? Definition and Best practices

System hardening means locking down a system and reducing its attack surface: removing unnecessary software packages, securing default values to the tightest possible settings and configuring the system to only run what you explicitly require. Let’s take an example from daily life.

Securing Your Monitoring Software With mTLS

Mutual transport layer security (mTLS) is an important subject among security, reliability, and engineering professionals who need to secure API communication as well as communication between machines and the applications and services they run. And for good reason: in 2022, the global average cost of a data breach was US$4.35 million, and almost double that in the United States at US$9.44 million.

Hacking the Cloud and Things to Watch Out for - Civo.com

Why should we be discussing cloud security in terms of internal infrastructure? This is exactly what Gillian Vanhauwaert from Defense.com spoke about in the final talk of the evening, as she outlined how aspects such as vendor lock-in, external facing, and phishing can impact your journey into the cloud.

How Domain Name Security Helps Prevent DNS Hijacking

You're probably aware of some security best practices to keep your business's digital presence safe. This might include uptime monitoring, security checks, and many others. But what about domain name security? Securing your business's domain name helps prevent commonplace domain hijacking and the associated chaos that comes with this specific type of cybercrime.

Empowering SecOps Admins: Getting the Most Value From CrowdStrike FDR Data With Cribl Stream

In this live stream, Sidd Shah and I discuss how Cribl Stream can empower Security Operations Admins to make the most of their CrowdStrike FDR data. They address the challenges faced by CrowdStrike customers, who generate a vast amount of valuable data each day but struggle to leverage it fully due to complexity and size.

Air-Gapped Kubernetes with D2iQ (AFCEA West 2023)

From secure air-gapped environments to ease of use John Sickle, President and General Manager of D2iQ Federal, shares some of the reasons why the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform works for our partners at the Department of Defense and in the military. We provide the support, training and military-grade security required to help our government partners quickly and easily get into production and complete the mission at hand.

Security and real-time Linux in a shifting automotive world

Software is completely changing the automotive industry - from vehicle design to use and maintenance. The whole lifecycle now relies on software and vehicles resembling “computers on wheels”. But vehicles aren’t regular devices like smartphones. They move humans at hundreds of kilometers per hour and need to be safe and secure at all times. When there is software involved, there are always security vulnerabilities. No cybersecurity expert can say the opposite. How can the automotive industry navigate the shift towards software-defined vehicles while ensuring the best level of security?