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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

Why Organizations Should Invest in Endpoint Hardening and Automation

Endpoint (or device) hardening is the concept of reinforcing security at the device level. Because securing endpoints is fundamental to every other security action you take, it’s important to invest as much as you can into endpoint hardening. According to research conducted by Ponemon with Keeper Security, 81% of businesses experiencing an attack in 2020 were faced with some form of malware. Other forms of attack also included credential theft, compromised/stolen devices, and account takeover.

Improved software compliance with packages-allowlist

Having a list of software that is allowed to be installed on a host is a strategy to prevent and fix security gaps and maintain compliance with operational guidelines. This zero-trust methodology ensures that only explicitly permitted applications are allowed to be present on a host unlike package block-listing which enumerates an explicit list of software that is not allowed to be present. In fact, with a software allow-list, you are essentially block-listing everything except the software you allow.

6 Steps When Your Website Get's Flagged as "Deceptive"

Seeing your website flagged as deceptive by Google or other search engines is enough to spoil anyone's day. You've spent long hours creating a site, only for users to be informed that it is a cybersecurity risk. But what can you do? Should you scrap the whole thing and start again? Today we'll explore why your website has been flagged as deceptive. We'll also look at what you can do to overcome the issue.

DevOps? DevSecOps? What You Need to Know With Guest Bart Westering | Security Insights Podcast: Ep.5

Ivanti finds, heals, and protects every device, everywhere – automatically. Whether your team is down the hall or spread around the globe, Ivanti makes it easy and secure for them to do what they do best. Ivanti is IT for the way we work now. Integrated solutions for everything IT touches. So, employees can work better, anywhere, and everywhere.

Protect Your Home From Natural Disasters With These Tips

Natural disasters can strike at any moment, leaving homeowners devastated and struggling to pick up the pieces. While it's impossible to completely eliminate the risk of natural disasters, there are steps homeowners can take to minimize the impact and protect their homes. In this article, we'll explore some of the top tips for protecting your home from natural disasters.
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Streamline and Simplify SSL/TLS Certificate Monitoring

Hackers busily work night and day to find the tiniest hole in your security perimeter, so they can compromise your systems. Browsers are the most commonly used application on your enterprise network - and one becoming increasingly difficult to secure. Managing their security certificates became more challenging recently, but Exoprise's easy to deploy SSL certificate monitoring solutions close up any holes. There is no doubt that your network is constantly under attack.

Spot Security: Detect, prioritize, and take action against threats

While many cloud security professionals spend their time remediating vulnerabilities as they appear, analyzing risks early and often can help them more efficiently strengthen their organization’s security posture. Yet doing so requires the right tools in place to detect, prioritize, and respond to current and potential threats to the cloud environment.

Revolutionize Your Observability Data with Cribl.Cloud - Streamline Your Infrastructure Hassle-Free!

Cribl.Cloud provides control over observability data without the hassle of running infrastructure. Cribl.Cloud quickly spins up all Cribl products — Stream, Edge, and Search — in just a few minutes.Teams can get working quickly and make their observability data valuable while Cribl handles scaling and security.

The Critical Role of Data in Cybersecurity: Why Incomplete Data Weakens Your Overall Program

In this live stream, CDW’s Brenden Morgenthaler and I discuss a foundational issue with many security programs — having the right data to detect issues and make fast decisions. Data drives every facet of security, so bad or incomplete data weakens your overall program. Watch the video or continue reading below to learn about these issues and the strategies we use to solve security’s data problem.

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Airlines aiming to transform need modern Observability

The last decade has been nothing but a roller coaster ride for the airline industry. The pandemic has transformed it forever and now it needs to reevaluate its digital transformation priorities on how to manage traveler expectations. Taking it a step further, travelers buying behavior is changing farther as now they will want to book tickets while chatting with an AI interface. The transformation was already underway. In 2020, Google Cloud and Sabre announced a partnership to modernize Sabre. Recently, American Airlines announced their modern rebooking app launched in partnership with IBM. Lufthansa announced industry's first continuous pricing tailored to suit individual customer attributes.