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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

How To Better Handle Data Online

Are you overwhelmed by the amount of data that is available online? Don't worry - managing digital information can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. In this blog post, we offer simple tips on handling your data more effectively. Not only will following these steps help you organize and make sense of all the internet's information, but they'll also provide greater accuracy in handling sensitive or valuable data as well. So if you're ready to become a master of organizing your digital presence and become more efficient in managing data online, keep reading for our best advice!

Canonical joins the confidential computing consortium

Canonical is committed to enabling Ubuntu users to leverage the strong run-time confidentiality and integrity guarantees that confidential computing provides. That is why we are happy to announce we have joined the confidential computing consortium, a project community at the Linux Foundation that is focused on accelerating the adoption of confidential computing and driving cross-industry collaboration around relevant open source software, standards and tools.

Qovery and Doppler Join Forces to Empower Developers with Next-Level Cloud Deployment and Security

I am excited to announce the partnership between Qovery and Doppler. Qovery is an infrastructure automation platform that helps developers deploy their applications more easily, while Doppler is a fully managed SecretOps platform that enables engineering teams to better manage their environment variables and secrets.

Top 6 Cybersecurity Best Practices for MSPs and Enterprises

MSPs own and process large amounts of sensitive data and act as gateways to the sensitive data and infrastructure of their clients, which is why cybercriminals view them as good potential targets. To adequately protect this sensitive data from today’s sophisticated attacks, it is crucial that MSPs leverage cybersecurity best practices to ensure the safety and security of their own systems and their customers’ systems.

How To Find A Good And Affordable Edge Protection Supplier

Have you been searching for an edge protection supplier, but aren't sure how to effectively compare options? Choosing the right safety partner is essential in making sure your home or business environment is protected and secure. A reliable supplier of edge protection not only ensures durability and cost-effectiveness on your projects but also provides a sense of security that comes through knowing you are using quality products. However, finding good and affordable edge protection suppliers can be daunting due to the wide variety available.

Secure Your Crypto Assets with Cloud-Based Encryption: An Expert Guide

In the past few years, investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital assets has become more popular. Cryptocurrencies have changed the financial system because they are decentralized and can be traded internationally without the need for middlemen. Nevertheless, with big potential come huge dangers, and the decentralized structure of cryptocurrencies also provides a unique set of obstacles. The digital assets are subject to hacking, theft, and manipulation since there is no centralized authority or agency to control them.

The Ransomware Pandemic | Security Insights Podcast: Ep. 2

This latest ransomware pandemic is infecting end users and security teams alike, exploiting old vulnerabilities and forcing new risk management strategies. Chief Security Officer Phil Richards reviews how organizations can avoid and remediate ransomware cyber attacks, including: Ivanti finds, heals, and protects every device, everywhere – automatically. Whether your team is down the hall or spread around the globe, Ivanti makes it easy and secure for them to do what they do best.

Automotive consortiums: Setting new standards for safety and cybersecurity

Canonical strongly believes that the future of automotive will rely on open source to define and run the next generation of vehicles. To drive this transition, state-of-the-art cybersecurity and functional safety are critical. To learn more about the industry’s specific constraints, we are actively involved in several automotive consortiums and are contributing to automotive-related standards.

Avoid kubernetes security risks with hardening best practices

Hardening a system is synonymous with reducing its attack surface: remove unnecessary software packages, lock down default values to the tightest possible settings and configure the system to only run what you explicitly require. Why would you want to harden your infrastructure and systems to start with? Isn’t Linux secure enough already? A fully secure system is made up of many layers, from the hardware to the operating system and the application servers running your mission-critical code.

3 Effective Tips for Cloud-Native Compliance

The ephemeral nature of the cloud has made compliance and security a greater challenge for organizations. The volume of data that companies must collect and retain from their cloud services, depending on their industry, is ballooning fast. According to ESG, 71% of companies believe their observability data (logs, metrics and traces) is growing at a concerning rate. Even so, outcomes are getting worse, not better. Six out of 10 teams are unable to prevent issues before customers are impacted.