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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

How to prove your SDLC is being followed for compliance with medical standards like IEC 62304

If you’re part of a software engineering team in digital health, medtech, medical devices, Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), etc. you have to comply with regulatory standards. And one of the biggest challenges engineering leads have in this sector is figuring out what they have to do to achieve software delivery compliance.

5 Ways to Use Log Analytics and Telemetry Data for Fraud Prevention

As fraud continues to grow in prevalence, SecOps teams are increasingly investing in fraud prevention capabilities to protect themselves and their customers. One approach that’s proved reliable is the use of log analytics and telemetry data for fraud prevention. By collecting and analyzing data from various sources, including server logs, network traffic, and user behavior, enterprise SecOps teams can identify patterns and anomalies in real time that may indicate fraudulent activity.

Stop Viewing Cybersecurity as an Expense

Nine. Million. Dollars. Well, $9.44 million to be exact for your average data breach according to the latest report from IBM, Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022. From 2017 to 2022, that number has only continued increasing from $7.35 million, an almost 30% increase in just five years. For a small company, a security breach can be the difference between staying open or closing the business. And for a Fortune 500 enterprise, that cost will be more severe.

Building digital trust and fueling growth through application security

Security awareness is at an all time high. Companies need the right tools to support innovation while building digital trust that users demand. Learn how Cisco Secure Application can help solve this challenge. Security awareness skyrockets with every breach. In response, users are doubling down on vetting the trustworthiness of companies before transacting.

GitOps The Planet #10: Demystifying SBOMs and Their Impact on CI/CD Software Delivery

Before cloud-native controlling components delivered was in some ways "easier" in that ops teams could limit which components were available on nodes. With containerization, the ops problem became harder while the dev side became easier. Now SBOMS (software bill of materials) are becoming critical to software supply chain risk management. In this episode, GitOps the Planet Alum, Christian Hernandez will join to walk us through SBOMS, how we should be using them, and how they help improve software security.

Calico's 3.26.0 update unlocks high density vertical scaling in Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a highly popular and widely used container orchestration platform designed to deploy and manage containerized applications at a scale, with strong horizontal scaling capabilities that can support up to 5,000 nodes; the only limit in adding nodes to your cluster is your budget. However, its vertical scaling is restricted by its default configurations, with a cap of 110 pods per node.

Kosli - A Flight Data Recorder for your Runtime Environments

Have you ever had to debug an environment and found it hard to understand exactly what had changed? In the worst case scenarios you have to figure this out during high-pressure situations, like when an outage or regression has happened. Digging through platform logs and cloud consoles is a real nightmare, and it’s often futile because the information has disappeared.

Try Ubuntu confidential VMs with Intel TDX today: limited preview now available on Azure

On behalf of the Canonical confidential computing team, I am happy to announce the limited preview of Ubuntu Confidential VMs with Intel TDX on Microsoft Azure. As part of the DCev5-series and ECesv5-series VMs, they’re available for you to try today! This exciting development is an important milestone in Ubuntu’s journey to power the confidential public cloud of the future.

New Chrome and Edge zero-day exploits: How to patch CVE-2023-2033 and CVE-2023-2136

Two new zero-day exploits that affect the Chromium browser core were reported on April 14th. And since both Chrome and Microsoft Edge are based on it, Google advised to update the browsers. The vulnerabilities CVE-2023-2033 and CVE-2023-2136 can lead to remote code execution and have already been fixed. But that doesn't mean that's the end of the problem.