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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Monitor OpenAI API and GPT models with OpenTelemetry and Elastic

ChatGPT is so hot right now, it broke the internet. As an avid user of ChatGPT and a developer of ChatGPT applications, I am incredibly excited by the possibilities of this technology. What I see happening is that there will be exponential growth of ChatGPT-based solutions, and people are going to need to monitor those solutions.

Monitoring and troubleshooting - Apache error log file analysis

Your Apache HTTP server access and error logs contain a wealth of actionable insights about potential server configuration and web application issues. The problem is that this information is hidden within millions of log messages, so you need analytics to efficiently extract these insights so you can respond to problems before they impact your users. Apache log analysis revolves around two activities: monitoring and troubleshooting.

Troubleshooting Intermittent Failure in Amazon ECS apps

A distributed system is a system whose components are located on different networked computers, which communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages to one another. The components interact in a decentralized manner and work together to achieve a common goal. Working with distributed systems is challenging, because failure often spreads between components and debugging across multiple components is difficult and time-consuming.

What is log management in DevOps?

DevOps teams are used to working with data that is spread out across lots of different systems and environments. In organizations that have achieved tight collaboration with security teams to transition to DevSecOps, this is even more true! Log management is part of how all these teams keep track of information and make vital business decisions. It’s important to take a moment to understand what is meant by log management.

ChaosSearch Pricing Models Explained

ChaosSearch was built for live analytics at scale on cloud storage. Our architecture was designed for high volume ingestion of streams & analytics at scale via ElasticSearch & Trino API via a stateless fabric that can scale to meet the customers’ scale & latency requirements. Because we don’t store any data, under the hood, ChaosSearch is basically a set of containers that are deployed in cloud compute instances in a dedicated VPC to each customer managed by ChaosSearch.

El Salvador government healthcare institution saves up to $400,000 by using OpManager

Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social (ISSS) is an El Salvadorian government institution that provides health care services to the people of El Salvador. The institution offers insurance, medical treatment, prescription home delivery, and other health-related services. There are about 114 branches throughout El Salvador.

Frontend vs. backend: How to plan your performance testing strategy

There are many aspects of application performance, but they broadly fall into two categories: frontend performance and backend performance. As a tester, it’s important to know the differences between the two and how that impacts the way you approach your tests. In this blog, I’ll provide a high-level overview of frontend performance testing and backend performance testing, including pros and cons of each one.

How To Improve MS Team's Poor Call Quality across the Enterprise with Nexthink

Microsoft Teams is one of the most widely used collaboration tools today. Entire enterprises rely on MS Teams for cross-functional communication, project management, and productivity. If Teams has issues, entire projects can get derailed, and business objectives could be at risk. This places pressure on IT teams to proactively measure and manage the performance of MS Teams, to ensure issues don’t prohibit employee productivity.