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Announcing our new partnership with Slack

When we announced Stride in September 2017, we said, “It’s time we rethink the way we’re working. We believe that teams can stay connected and keep moving forward.” We still believe that. We knew we were taking a risk by entering an already competitive real-time team communications market, but we were willing to do the hard work necessary to build a great product. And we believe we were on that path.

How to Ensure Your App Is Online and Working Properly

Your application is deployed. You checked a few endpoints, and they work as expected. You can log in and see the generic home page. There aren’t any exceptions in the logs—or at least any new ones. Great! But what does that mean for your customers and partners? Does everything work for them?

How the New Influx Query Engine Was Designed-And How to Use It With Grafana

Flux, the long-awaited new functional query processing engine for InfluxDB, has finally landed. If you’re curious to learn more about the hows and whys of its design, check out this GrafanaCon EU session with InfluxData Cofounder and CTO Paul Dix. Also we’d like to share a recent presentation from David Kaltschmidt, Director, UX for Grafana Labs on the new Flux support in Grafana!

The Real Cost of Healthcare Miscommunication

Miscommunication isn’t just about the frustration that ensues when direction isn’t followed or understood by colleagues. For the healthcare industry, miscommunication could mean the loss of billions of dollars and endangering the lives of patients. That’s why physicians must implement a clinical communication solution to avoid the risks associated with poor, care team collaboration methods.

Life at Sentry: Meet Chloe Condon, Developer Evangelist(a)

In our appropriately named Life at Sentry series, we talk to Sentry employees about what life is like at Sentry (and how they ended up here). In this edition, we’re chatting with Chloe Condon, Developer Evangelist(a) at Sentry, about stumbling into tech, imposter syndrome, and not getting cast as Carrie in “Carrie: The Musical.” Take a look at our available jobs if you’re interested in joining us.

How to build highly expressive check results with sensu-wrapper

I’m gearing up to attend my first Sensu Summit this year, and have gone back and watched last year’s talks that I missed. There were a lot of great talks! One technical talk that really caught my eye was Lee Briggs on sensu-wrapper. Lee introduced a wrapper utility he wrote to make it easier to use the Sensu client socket to monitor shell executables for correct operation. In this post, I’ll break down why his sensu-wrapper command is so useful.

Node.js monitoring with Datadog APM and distributed tracing

Node.js is an asynchronous JavaScript runtime that is used to develop highly scalable network applications. To help provide more visibility into these dynamic environments, we’re pleased to announce that Datadog APM has officially released support for monitoring Node.js applications, which joins our existing support for Java, Ruby, Python and Go.

Boost agility of shop floor teams for Industry 4.0

The fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, is happening today. Recent progress in manufacturing automation requires fewer individuals on a shop floor to do manual work with and at machines. However, those people are now required to respond faster and more effectively to keep manufacturing up and running. Fortunately, the industrial Internet of Things (IoT) allows for applying real-time monitoring, workflow automation, predictive analytics, and other means to new verticals and businesses.

3 Ways to Grow Your IT Monitoring Revenue

Managed IT services have undergone significant change and evolution in a very short time. As an IT service provider, remote monitoring and management (RMM) is at the core of your business, allowing you to manage a large number and variety of endpoints. At the same time, your clients have grown to expect 24×7 uptime with outstanding customer service, potentially leading to some growing pains on your end.

DNS in the Cloud- Solid or Not?

The Domain Name System (DNS) catalog maps text-based URLs to their specifically-numbered host systems. As the phone book or Yellow Pages of the internet, DNS governs the speed with which websites and online resources may be located, so the speed and robustness of your DNS service can have a profound impact on your internet performance overall.