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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Patch Management KPI Metrics

Around 57% of data breaches are attributed to poor patch management. This stat clearly attributes to the need for patch management to keep the organization safe by mitigating security vulnerabilities. Without the right patch management software, it becomes difficult for organizations to identify critical updates. Only implementing a patch management process is not enough for any organization to win the game.

How to monitor Kubernetes with Grafana and Prometheus: Inside Powder's observability stack

David Calvert is a site reliability engineer working remotely from the south of France. He’s currently focused on observability, reliability, and security aspects of cloud infrastructure. You can find him as dotdc on GitHub and @0xDC_ on Twitter. Over the past three years, I’ve built and operated Kubernetes clusters for two different companies — the first one on-premises, and the second on a public cloud platform for my current job at Powder.

12 Best Website Uptime Monitoring Tools & Software [2023 Reviews]

Table of Contents Uptime is the metric that measures perhaps the most critical aspect of your business, its availability. If you think about it, having a website that does many really cool things, paying tons of money on ads to bring people to it, and even spending all those hours on making your website look great won’t amount to anything if it doesn’t work.

React Native Debugging and Error Tracking During App Development

A good developer knows how to debug code. In fact, most software engineers spend the majority of their time debugging existing code rather than writing new code. When it comes to native app development, debugging and tracking errors during development can be a tricky task. So, in this post, I’ll help you understand how you can debug your React Native applications and also track errors during app development.

Monitor Tanzu Kubernetes Grid on vSphere with Datadog

With vSphere and Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG), VMware enables enterprise organizations to combine the economic advantages of virtual machines (VMs) with the agility, portability, and scalability provided by Kubernetes. vSphere is VMware’s platform for the provisioning and management of VMs.

How to Deploy a Cribl Stream Leader, Cribl Stream Worker, and Redis Containers via Docker

In this video, we’ll walk through how to deploy a Cribl Stream leader, Stream worker, and Redis containers via Docker. Then we’ll show how we can bulk load data into Redis, then use it to enrich data in Stream.

Cloud Monitoring: Create custom notification channels

Are you looking to learn how to send alerts from Cloud Monitoring to your custom notification service? In this video, we share the different ways of processing notifications from Cloud Monitoring. Watch this video to learn the steps involved in sending the notifications from Cloud Monitoring using Cloud Run to your custom notification service, including a description of the sample notification service and of the Cloud Run code.

Frontend Performance Monitoring: 8 Tools & SaaS to Improve Application and Website User Experience [2023]

Monitoring the performance of an application is not a strange concept to most developers. At one point or another, we’ve all had to do some performance debugging of our own. Usually, it happens when there’s a big issue affecting the user’s experience or cost implications. Only then do we make time to look at how the app performs in different scenarios.

Best Java GC Log Analyzers: Top Analysis Tools You Need to Know in 2023

Table of Contents When an application written for the Java Virtual Machine is running, it constantly creates new objects and puts them on the heap. Well, at least in the vast majority of the cases. Such objects can have a longer or shorter life, but at some point, they stopped being referenced from the code. Unlike languages like C/C++, we don’t have exact control over when the memory will be freed – freeing the memory is the garbage collector’s job.