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How to Deploy a Cribl Stream Leader, Cribl Stream Worker, and Redis Containers via Docker

In this video, we’ll walk through how to deploy a Cribl Stream leader, Stream worker, and Redis containers via Docker. Then we’ll show how we can bulk load data into Redis, then use it to enrich data in Stream.

Educational institutions: To patch or not to patch?

The second decade of the 21st century witnessed an unprecedented paradigm shift in the educational sphere. With the onset of the pandemic, conventional ideas of an educational institution gave way to a far modernized and on-the-go approach. Joining class and listening to teachers’ lectures on Zoom or through Microsoft Teams is now the new norm.

Cloud Providers Health Report - December 2022

Check our December 2022 health report on the top most popular cloud providers. We analyze the health of the cloud providers based on the number of outages and problems during the month. The source of the data is made available by the cloud providers themselves via their status page. We normalize it and use it to generate the report.

How Apache Arrow is Changing the Big Data Ecosystem

This article was originally published in The New Stack and is reposted here with permission. Arrow makes analytics workloads more efficient for modern CPU and GPU hardware, which makes working with large data sets easier and less costly. One of the biggest challenges of working with big data is the performance overhead involved with moving data between different tools and systems as part of your data processing pipeline.

Configuring Docker Syslog Logging Driver for Docker Dameon & Containers

Logs are useful for troubleshooting and identifying issues in applications, as they provide a record of events and activities. However, managing log data can be challenging due to the large volume of log events generated by modern applications, as well as the need to balance the level of detail in the logs and the impact on the application's performance.

AWS Lambda in Java 8: examples and instructions

Serverless computing is a modern cloud-based application architecture, where the application’s infrastructure and support services layer is completely abstracted from the software layer. Any computer program needs hardware to run on, so serverless applications are not “serverless” - they do run on servers - it’s just that the servers are not exposed as physical or virtual machines to the developer running the code.

Author's Cut-A Sample of Sampling, and a Whole Lot of Observability at Scale

Brick by brick, block by block—if you’ve been with us throughout our Author’s Cut blog series (and if you haven’t, you can go catch up), you’ve seen us build the case for observability from the ground up. We’ve covered structured events, the core analysis loop, and use cases for managing applications in production—and that’s just to start.

What to Expect in 2023: OpsRamp Technology Leaders Make Their Predictions

2022 saw a return to normalcy on the Covid front as offices re-opened, people gathered in large groups indoors again and mask mandates waned, even as Covid never really went away. Meanwhile, inflation raged through the summer months before subsiding somewhat later in the year and the Great Resignation gave way to mass layoffs, especially in the tech industry.