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InfluxData Wins Comparably Awards for Best Company Outlook and Best Engineering Team

Annual awards recognize companies based on workplace culture ratings from current employees SAN FRANCISCO, April 6, 2022 – InfluxData, creator of the leading time series platform InfluxDB, today announced it has won awards for Best Company Outlook and Best Engineering Team from Comparably, a leading workplace culture and corporate brand reputation platform.

Making Go errors play nice with Sentry

Here at incident.io, we provide a Slack-based incident response tool. The product is powered by a monolithic Go backend service, serving an API that powers Slack interactions, serves an API for our web dashboard, and runs background jobs that help run our customers incidents. Incidents are high-stakes, and we want to know when something has gone wrong. One of the tools we use is Sentry, which is where our Go backend send its errors.

Apple outages: A week Apple would like to forget

We all know and associate Apple as a reliable and innovative tech giant which sets endless new trends for its industry. It’s arguably the one company that many aspire to be like and emulate with the massive global growth they’ve seen over the past decade. But even this goliath tech company has its bad days and unfortunately for Apple, it had a whole week of bad luck that tested the patience of its customers across the world.

Crossed 6k+ GitHub stars, enabled S3, better dashboards and webhooks - SigNal 11

Our dashboards enable engineering teams to take quick decisions. So, a good design is critical. We have been busy fine-tuning our dashboards to make them more user-friendly. Welcome to SigNal 11 - our monthly product updates where we update you on what we’ve been up to. Last month, we crossed 6,000+ GitHub stars, 700+ slack community members, jazzed up our graphs, and much more. Let’s see what humans at SigNoz have been up to in the month of March 2022.

Why the end-user experience is crucial to achieving business success

This last decade has seen abundant changes in the way businesses operate. Digital transformation is no longer a new term, however, is still relevant. It has resulted in virtual establishments superseding the popularity of brick and mortar setups, becoming the prime choice of business operations.

What is a Digital Workplace?

The digital workplace is a phenomenon that has grown in leaps and bounds in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The adoption of technologies has increased and changed all aspects of our lives today, including how we work. However, today’s workplace is very different from the traditional workplace. For one thing, its definition is no longer limited to the physical sense.

Deliver exception messages through Slack and Webhooks for fast resolution

Building new applications is a lot of fun, but troubleshooting and fixing the crashes that can come with app development is not. While many organizations are fast adopting the DevOps model, there are still some legacy frameworks where developers and operations teams are separate. Developers build and submit apps to their ops team, who in turn deploy and maintain the production stack. A common issue that arises due to this workflow is the time it takes to find and resolve crashes.

What to Watch on EKS - a Guide to Kubernetes Monitoring on AWS

It’s impossible to ignore AWS as a major player in the public cloud space. With $13.5billion in revenue in the first quarter of 2021 alone, Amazon’s biggest earner is ubiquitous in the technology world. Its success can be attributed to the wide variety of services available, which are rapidly developed to match industry trends and requirements.