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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Deliver exception messages through Slack and Webhooks for fast resolution

Building new applications is a lot of fun, but troubleshooting and fixing the crashes that can come with app development is not. While many organizations are fast adopting the DevOps model, there are still some legacy frameworks where developers and operations teams are separate. Developers build and submit apps to their ops team, who in turn deploy and maintain the production stack. A common issue that arises due to this workflow is the time it takes to find and resolve crashes.

What to Watch on EKS - a Guide to Kubernetes Monitoring on AWS

It’s impossible to ignore AWS as a major player in the public cloud space. With $13.5billion in revenue in the first quarter of 2021 alone, Amazon’s biggest earner is ubiquitous in the technology world. Its success can be attributed to the wide variety of services available, which are rapidly developed to match industry trends and requirements.

Anatomy of an OTT traffic surge: 2022 Men's NCAA Basketball Championship

Last night, Kansas topped the University of North Carolina in a thrilling come-from-behind victory to win their fourth championship in men’s college basketball. It was also notable in how viewers saw the game. Instead of being aired on CBS (network television), the game was carried on TBS requiring viewers to have either a cable TV package or use a streaming service to watch the game. Here’s what we saw.

What is Cloud-Native Monitoring?

Cloud and cloud-based technologies are at their peak today. More and more organizations are turning to intelligent architectures and systems to deploy their apps. And they are not wrong—the cloud has proven to be a great way of performance optimization and cost-cutting. However, there are issues to address with this growing trend. One of those is monitoring. Monitoring is a vital part of application maintenance.

How to use WebSockets to visualize real-time IoT data in Grafana

Mike Szczys is a Developer Relations Engineer at Golioth. His deep love of microcontrollers began in the early 2000s, growing from the desire to make more of the BEAM robotics he was building. When he’s not reading data sheets, he’s busy as an orchestra musician in Madison, Wisconsin. At Golioth, a commercial IoT development platform, we love using the power of Grafana to easily visualize data from IoT installations where tens, hundreds, or even thousands of devices are reporting back.

Introducing Status Overrides

StatusGator is a status page aggregator: We bring together the status of all of your vendors into a single status page you can share with your team. Now, you can override the status of any service on your page to reflect exactly what you want it to. There are two opposite use cases for this feature: When a service is experiencing an outage and it’s not reflected on their status page. Or when an outage posted on their page is not affecting you and your team.

Honeycomb Pro: Now With Metrics & SLOs

Honeycomb Pro is about to get even better. Starting today, all Pro accounts have access to Honeycomb Metrics and two Service Level Objectives (SLOs), previously only available to Enterprise accounts. Full disclosure: Later this month, the price of Pro plans will be increasing as well (see below). However, existing Pro customers (including those that sign up before the new pricing goes into effect) will be able to enjoy the new capabilities at existing prices for a full year, until April 2023!

New in StatusGator: Status Page Messages

StatusGator status pages are a unique way to consolidate the status of all of your vendors on a single page. Reduce support ticket volume by publishing your status page to your team or users. Now you can publish a message to the top of your status page for even more effective communication. Use this space for maintenance notifications, highlighting critical outages, or explaining your page to your users.

Data Sovereignty: Everything You Need to Know

“What’s data sovereignty? Is it the same thing as data privacy? What about data sovereignty vs data residency?” These are questions that plague many business owners, especially when you consider the cost of non-compliance. But achieving compliance can be challenging when you aren’t sure what rules you should be complying with.