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Why Organizations are Migrating Systems to the AWS Cloud

Some companies, such as ecommerce businesses, are built from the ground up on the cloud, while others have a more traditional operating model, but all can benefit from using the cloud in their operations. Some of the primary reasons include: Achieve Business Growth, Increase Efficiency & Improve Customer and User Experience.

How Wix Supports TDD with their TestKit for Sentry's Raven SDK

Ziv Levy, Software Engineer at Wix (a Sentry customer), recently faced two challenges: simulating a bug in Wix code and testing report data. His recent blog post, Meet Raven TestKit: Wix Engineering’s Open Source Tool to Test Sentry Reports, dices into how a plugin for Sentry’s Raven SDK helped him tackle those challenges, with specific documentation detailing what made the choice so simple. Read the post below, and then go try Raven TestKit for yourself (please, and thank you).

Monitor Amazon EKS with AppDynamics

Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) makes it easier to operate Kubernetes clusters, but performance monitoring remains a top challenge. AppDynamics seamlessly integrates into EKS environments, providing insights into the performance of every microservice deployed, all through a single pane of glass.

6 Reasons Why PagerDuty Engineering Stands Out From the Crowd

The other day, a newer Engineering Manager here at PagerDuty, Dileshni Jayasinghe, started a Slack thread expressing joy at how fantastic our engineering team is after attending a conference with engineering folk from other organizations. She explained that she’d shared our practice of owning what we build with someone—who then responded by gazing off into the distance and saying, “That’s my dream.”

How Bitbucket Data Center's largest customers scale with Git

Supporting a growing software team is a daunting challenge, and Git is often at the heart of that task. Ensuring developers can effectively collaborate requires user provisioning, tool permissions, and enough horsepower to support all of the load. If you support a distributed team, the factors become more complex. How do you ensure developers have a consistent experience across geographies and help productivity flourish?

Monitor Azure Kubernetes Service with Datadog

Microsoft recently released Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), a managed service that helps you deploy, run, and scale Kubernetes clusters. We’re pleased to share that Datadog’s integrations with Kubernetes and Azure Monitor can give you comprehensive visibility into your AKS infrastructure with no additional configuration.

DevOps Redemption: Don't Let Outdated Data Analytics Tools Slow You Down

You know what’s not fun for DevOps engineers? Manually investigating and troubleshooting issues within their applications. It’s also no longer feasible in today’s highly complex and fast moving IT landscape. Gone are the days of using legacy on-premises tools for modern applications and infrastructures because they simply aren’t compatible.