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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Measuring Digital Experience with Artificial Intelligence

With the expansion of remote and hybrid workforce and an ever more complex technology set, it is more important than ever to manage the digital employee experience. But how do we measure digital employee experience? One of the most common ways is to use surveys – for example post-incident surveys or annual customer satisfaction surveys. But these surveys, on their own, can be reactive, time-delayed and limited in scope.

The next-gen open source financial services cloud

The financial services industry has evolved at an astonishing rate in recent years, underpinned by rapid advances in technology. Financial institutions (FIs) are digitising their customer journeys and scaling-up transformation. Cloud is a catalyst for enterprise business transformation and is a focus for C-suite executives and board members of financial services organisations.

MQTT vs Kafka: An IoT Advocate's Perspective (Part 1 - The Basics)

With the Kafka Summit fast approaching, I thought it was time to get my hands dirty and see what it’s all about. As an advocate for IoT, I heard about Kafka but was too embedded in protocols like MQTT to investigate further. For the uninitiated (like me) both protocols seem extremely similar if not almost competing. However, I have learned this is far from the case and actually, in many cases, they complement one another.

Sentry's Android Gradle Plugin Updated with Room Support and More

Monitoring performance is a critical part of software development. We just released version 3.0.0 of our Sentry Android Gradle plugin, which brings a handful of auto-instrumentation capabilities to Android developers, featuring Room and SQLite queries performance, File I/O operations performance, and more.

Synthetic Monitoring for Mobile Apps

The customer experience within mobile apps has become mission-critical. Today's consumers have come to expect rich, robust functionality in their mobile applications; with over 2.1 million apps available to Android users and nearly 2 million apps up for download in Apple's app store, mobile phone users have plenty of options when it comes to the applications they download.

Accelerate AIOps Scalability With New Self-Service Incidents API

BigPanda offers a diverse set of APIs to enterprises looking to move faster and scale incident response workflows seamlessly. APIs are core to automating repeated incident response workflows that enable IT Ops to keep up with the pace of change and innovation agile teams need to thrive. In Q4 of 2021, BigPanda announced the general availability of new self-service APIs including an updated Incidents API.

2bcloud Architects Housetable's Secure AWS Environment, Providing Compliance & ML Functionality

Housetable uses AI and Data Science to predict what customer’s homes will be worth after renovation, to support users in securing financing that takes into account the real value of their property. With its AI-powered renovation intelligence, customers can enjoy a 100% digital experience with quick application via mobile app, dynamic approvals, and integrated payments both from banks and directly to contractors.

MYCOM OSI supports Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) for its suite of Service Assurance applications

MYCOM OSI announced today that it has implemented support for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) as the foundational service for its EAA (Experience Assurance and Analytics) suite of Service Assurance applications.