2 Steps

Melbourne, Australia
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As businesses strive to reduce waste, contain costs, and boost profits in today's hyper-competitive tech ecosystem, increasing launch speeds has become critical. The faster and smarter you launch, the quicker you reap the rewards. In fact, in 2018, over 46% of dev teams used agile project methodologies to hack their launchpad and create more streamlined pipelines. But, while many organisations are nailing the 'speed' part of launches, few have taken steps to optimise the delivery value stream.
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In 2024, customer experience will be the biggest driver of success. While the business world glances at the financial horizon with worried eyes, finding ways to retain users, capture new leads, and create meaningful, long-lasting brands is more critical than ever. According to Forrester, the ROI of customer experience is 9,900%. For most businesses, the value of user experience is apparent—lower costs, improved loyalty, higher satisfaction, and a higher overall LTV.
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If APRA regulates you, then you must keep up with the rules. These rules include CPS 230, consolidating several existing Prudential Standards into one that applies to operational risk management. The goal is to help you keep your business resilient to operational risks and disruptions in various areas. This, in turn, protects you and your customers from risk preserves your reputation and ensures that people do not experience financial hardship.
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In the recent past, it's evident that most people use mobile apps and the web to access various services. Unlike a few decades ago, a simple touch of a button via mobile devices can complete a financial transaction automatically. Consumers need to create accounts using their credentials and passwords then use these details to complete different actions like making account updates and processing transactions.
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Creating amazing, authentic, and user-driven applications isn't easy. Between the +3 million apps in mobile app stores and the millions of business apps and web experiences nestled in public, hybrid, and private cloud servers, competition is fierce and expectations are sky-high. Your employees expect the same top-tier experiences they get from consumer apps. And failing to deliver those experiences impacts your bottom-line productivity and happiness.
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Many businesses in the current market have integrated both DevOps and agile to stay ahead of the competition. A recent report showed that 97% of companies have now shifted to using agile development methods. By implementing the two concepts, businesses achieve higher customer satisfaction levels and more brand loyalty. One element that makes it possible to achieve these goals is process automation.
  |  By 2 Steps
Many businesses in the current market have integrated both DevOps and agile to stay ahead of the competition. A recent report showed that 97% of companies have now shifted to using agile development methods. By implementing the two concepts, businesses achieve higher customer satisfaction levels and more brand loyalty. One element that makes it possible to achieve these goals is process automation.
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End-User Experience Monitoring (EUM) is a web performance monitoring option that helps keep track of users' behavior or actions as they interact with an application. A business monitors and uses the findings to analyze data and work on it to create an optimized user experience. The monitoring involves what the user does and how the delivery of the application affects them. The impact of the action is critical to understanding how you can scale up or maintain the performance of your system.
  |  By 2 Steps Team
The adoption of Microsoft Azure Desktop as a Service (DaaS) has significantly improved how businesses access and manage their desktop environments. However, as the number of users relying on DaaS increases, ensuring a seamless and reliable user experience becomes increasingly challenging. This blog post will explore businesses' key challenges in monitoring Microsoft Azure DaaS and how Synthetic Monitoring can help ensure a seamless user experience.
  |  By 2 Steps Team
As a solution architect, you know that your expertise in envisioning and constructing robust systems is vital, especially as navigating third-party frameworks and platforms becomes increasingly integral in today's complex technological landscape. Risk management, therefore, plays a crucial role in safeguarding your organisation's digital assets and ensuring optimal performance. But how do you ensure you effectively mitigate the risks associated with these third-party frameworks and platforms? Read on to learn key tips and strategies for mitigating and managing framework risks.
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Watch how 2 Steps can build automated tests on virtualised apps AFTER the Citrix login.
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Simon Trilsbach CEO and Co-Founder of 2 Steps presents to the Citrix User Group at the MCG in Melbourne, Australia.
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Build Synthetic Tests in minutes...
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This includes Virtual desktop infrastructure like Citrix or VMware, Azure, VDI Mobile applications and complex web tests that involve canvas-based websites and Windows and Java applications which are still very present in large organisations..
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A quick run-through of 2 Steps v8. Agentless, codeless and able to work across Windows, Web, Citrix, Azure VD and more...
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Consumers now have an incredible choice when it comes to applications, and their expectations of the experience is very high. It is, therefore, imperative that enterprises assure their applications are working 24/7, which can only be ensured via synthetic monitoring.
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If an application breaks, much time is spent shifting blame instead of solving the problem at hand. With synthetic monitoring, teams can come together to identify problems before they occur and hence assign them to the correct people to get them solved.
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If you want to move fast, you need to be good at testing. If at every step of the way, every component is tested, you can do it right the first time and keep up with a faster pace of change..
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Hybrid work has made Synthetic Monitoring vastly more important because in this home environment – devices can be unpredictable and hence impact employee productivity.

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Look into the limitations of monitoring with Selenium and how you can overcome them with the latest eBook from 2 Steps.
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Achieving full end-to-end visibility across today's service delivery chains requires synthetic monitoring tools that work with virtual desktop environments. Download the latest whitepaper from 2 Steps below.

2 Steps accelerates End User Observability, protecting your enterprise applications and customer experience.

2 Steps is a Splunk certified application that enhances Splunk Synthetic Monitoring capabilities across all applications and infrastructures for Splunk users.

The Benefits:

  • Point, Click & Codeless: 2 Steps Synthetic Monitoring can automate user transaction testing across your enterprise & consumer applications with no coding required. No scripts, no agents, no worries.
  • End-User Observability for any application: A robust early warning system that empowers your IT team to diagnose application performance issues before it impacts your employee productivity & end-user experience.
  • Improve visibility across complex environments: Safeguard end-user experiences and application performance with 2 Steps.

Repair application performance before your customers are impacted.