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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

What is Supercloud? What to consider when monitoring and observing a Supercloud?

In recent months the term “Supercloud” has become increasingly used, particularly in the context of being a successor or qualifier to “multi-cloud”. There isn’t any definitive formal definition, it is essentially yet another buzzword and vendors and analysts are pilling in with their own take and definition to align to their own agendas and product capabilities.

Trace your Azure Function application with Elastic Observability

Adoption of Azure Functions in cloud-native applications on Microsoft Azure has been increasing exponentially over the last few years. Serverless functions, such as the Azure Functions, provide a high level of abstraction from the underlying infrastructure and orchestration, given these tasks are managed by the cloud provider. Software development teams can then focus on the implementation of business and application logic.

Democratizing Digital Employee Experience with Nexthink Assist

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have been at the heart of our strategy since the beginning. At the birth of Nexthink we wanted to help IT teams not get drowned in list of logs, but rather immediately see actionable data already processed, correlated and ready to consume.

What Is DPE? Developer Productivity Engineering Explained

In the digital-first business world, developers are under immense pressure to deliver high-quality software in record time. In one survey, 46% of developers reported expectations to build and deploy software faster than pre-COVID. Locked between higher expectations and stalling IT budgets, many developers struggle to keep up with demand. In fact, one study found that 83% of developers were suffering from burnout.

Is Northern Virginia Really the Least Reliable AWS Region And Why?

AWS users usually assume that Northern Virginia, also referred to as US East (N. Virginia) and us-east-1, is the least reliable in terms of uptime. We analyzed AWS outage history in 2022 across regions to see if N. Virginia, indeed, had the most downtime. Then we reviewed and proved some of the theories as to why N. Virginia has the most outages.

Error Logging: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Today's applications are incredibly intricate and interconnected, often relying on numerous third-party services and libraries. With this complexity comes an increased likelihood of things going wrong. However, an error doesn't usually announce itself with great fanfare and a detailed explanation. More often than not, it shows up as an unexplained crash, a suspicious slowdown, or a surprising output. Error logging shines a spotlight on these problems.

Maximizing CI/CD Pipeline Efficiency: How to Optimize your Production Pipeline Debugging?

At one particular time, a developer would spend a few months building a new feature. Then they’d go through the tedious soul-crushing effort of “integration.” That is, merging their changes into an upstream code repository, which had inevitably changed since they started their work. This task of Integration would often introduce bugs and, in some cases, might even be impossible or irrelevant, leading to months of lost work.