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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Cypress vs Selenium vs Playwright vs Puppeteer speed comparison

Our recent speed comparison of major headless browser automation tools, namely Puppeteer, Playwright and WebDriverIO with DevTools and Selenium, received a very positive response. The single most common ask from our readers was that we follow up by including Cypress in our benchmark. In this article, we are doing just that - with some precautions.

Managing IT at Scale II: Infrastructure Management Software Scalability vs. Ease of Use

Growth for an enterprise is an exciting thing, but it often presents a unique challenge for IT professionals. There are common roadblocks that are encountered when trying to upscale an IT management environment. In this second blog of our Managing IT Infrastructure at Scale series, we discuss how to find the happy medium between monitoring software scalability and ease of use.

7 Ways GroundWork Delivers Bulletproof Infrastructure Monitoring

Lately, security has become top of mind across infrastructure monitoring customers. This is no surprise considering the widespread reports about supply-chain vulnerabilities and embedded compromises rampant in popular network monitoring software. In light of this, we want to underscore how seriously we have always taken our security processes, and how we cultivate a culture based on a foundation of sound security protocols.

How-To: Improving SEO with RUM

In this How-To video, we’re going to look at Real User Monitoring in the context of how you can apply it to a specific use case. Real User Monitoring, or RUM, is an event-based solution for monitoring customer experience. In other words, it measures the performance of a webpage from the perspective of the user’s machine. In our previous video on RUM, we looked at how to set up a RUM tag. Today, we’ll specifically examine RUM data in the context of improving SEO scores.

Application Performance Monitoring

An application is not just a small part of any business. It would be wise enough to say that an application itself is a company’s business in today’s digital world. This is the reason why application performance monitoring problems are the biggest hurdle for IT Teams and the growth of any business. Customer expectations from the application’s performance are changing every day. Today, customers don’t have patience and want to use any application flawlessly.

Coralogix - Panel Discussion: Elasticsearch is Not Open Source Anymore

Does SSPL license endanger your intellectual property? As of January 2021, Elasticsearch is no longer open source. From version 7.11 and onwards, all ELK products (Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) will be registered under the new SSPL license created by Mongo and now adopted by Elastic. In this panel, our IP expert lawyer discusses the new license and helps explain whether it impacts your business or puts it at risk.

Building Autocomplete with ANTLR and CodeMirror

At Sumo Logic, we’re dealing with a large amount of data. To help our customers explore the data quickly and effectively, our product lets them write Logs, Metrics, and Tracing queries. One of the challenges we dealt with recently was improving the query building experience in our new, revamped Metrics UI.

Open Source in Application Monitoring

Open source projects are a powerful way to accelerate application development. Open source as a support function to monitoring can help support standards and better Observability and Monitoring practices. Learn about the OpenTelemetry project as a tool to improve the quality and flexibility of traces, spans, logs for better monitoring and Observability practices.

Monitoring vs Observability: Can You Tell The Difference?

Monitoring vs observability – is there even a difference and is your monitoring system observable? Observability has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. Modern DevOps paradigms encourage building robust applications by incorporating automation, Infrastructure as Code, and agile development. To assess the health and “robustness” of IT systems, engineering teams typically use logs, metrics, and traces, which are used by various developer tools to facilitate observability.

Mark Settle on IT Leadership In 2021

The year 2020 was uniquely challenging for business and IT leaders around the world. The sudden shift en masse to remote work put tremendous pressure on IT teams to pivot and keep the show running for business continuity. Going digital is no longer a debate and digital transformation became more than a project in the distant future. So what else has changed in the IT leader’s playbook? We spoke with veteran CIO and author Mark Settle.