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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Pandora FMS Cloud and new download website. The top of 2021.

Here at Pandora FMS we love news. If it were up to us we would wear new dresses and stilettos every week, we would open headquarters in an unknown tropical country and we would change styles, to other more daring and exotic, in our cocktail parties. Just to make our love for the avant-garde clear once and for all.

TL;DR InfluxDB Tech Tips - the Easiest Way to Use and Create InfluxDB Templates

If you didn’t already know, one of the perks of InfluxDB 2.0 is having access to templates. InfluxDB templates allow you to easily apply a variety of preconfigured resources including Telegraf configurations, buckets, dashboard, tasks, and alerts to your InfluxDB instance. In this TL;DR we’ll walk through the easiest way to use and create a template.

Istio monitoring with Elastic Observability

Istio is an open source service mesh that can be used by developers and operators to successfully control, secure, and connect services together in the world of distributed microservices. While Istio is a powerful tool for teams, it's also important for administrators to have full visibility into its health. In this blog post, we'll take a look at monitoring Istio and its microservices with Elastic Observability. As the Istio docs mention.

How to connect to the Icinga 2 API via the Icinga Console

Today I will show you a couple of small functions you can use with the Icinga Console. Using the Icinga Console can help with scripting in general and provides a quick and easy-to-use way of extracting information from your Icinga environment. We will take a look at extracting information belonging to the service objects in Icinga. Obviously, you can pinpoint different objects, like host objects, with which you can work via the Icinga 2 API and Console.

Instrumenting a .NET web API using OpenTelemetry, Tempo, and Grafana Cloud

OpenTelemetry is a CNCF project that standardizes observability (logs, metrics, and traces) across many languages and tools. Today we will look at how we can use the OpenTelemetry .NET library to instrument a .NET 5.0 web API, to offload traces to Tempo and logs to Loki in Grafana Cloud. Grafana Cloud now has a free plan. Set up your account and follow along!