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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

A Practical Guide to Logstash: Input Plugins

In a previous post, we went through a few input plugins like the file input plugin, the TCP/UDP input plugins, etc for collecting data using Logstash. In this post, we will see a few more useful input plugins like the HTTP, HTTP poller, dead letter queue, twitter input plugins, and see how these input plugins work.

Getting to Know Google Cloud Audit Logs

So you've set up a Google Cloud Logging sink along with a Dataflow pipeline and are happily ingesting these events into your Splunk infrastructure — great! But now what? How do you start to get meaningful insights from this data? In this blog post, I'll share eight useful signals hiding within Google Cloud audit logs that will help you uncover meaningful insights. You'll learn how to detect: Finally, we’ll wrap up with a simple dashboard that captures all these queries in one place.

Fail2ban Monitoring with InfluxDB and Telegraf

If you have a server open to the internet on Port 22 (the default port for SSH servers), it’s common to find several “Failed password” in your auth.log (log file) every minute, due to bots constantly browsing the internet for servers that are easy to hack with common passwords. But if your auth.log is growing very fast and SSH daemon randomly refuses to create new connections, then someone probably marked your server as a target for coordinated SSH brute-force attack.

How to connect and monitor your Raspberry Pi with Grafana Cloud

The Raspberry Pi is a popular and inexpensive device that comes in many shapes and forms. It’s a popular hobbyist tool that is generally purchased to run all kinds of software experiments on. But make no mistake, even though a Raspberry Pi comes in a tiny form factor, it’s a fully functional computer!

IT Innovation Without Disruption

Why is that IT innovation is often synonymous with employee disruption? It seems like you cannot make any improvements without interrupting employees and taking time away from their workday. We think-no, we know-there's a better way to innovate and improve the delivery of new applications & IT services. These 10 success stories from our customers in the IT Innovation Without Disruption eBook show you that there's a better way forward.

A beginner's guide to distributed tracing and how it can increase an application's performance

Most people are instrumenting their applications, with logs being an easy first step into the observability world, followed by metrics. Tracing lags behind these two and is maybe a little less used than other observability patterns. We hope to change that.

Core Web Vitals - what they are, how to measure and monitor them

Google has been saying for a long time that its primary goal is to improve the Internet in terms of increasing the quality of websites and the content published on them. This fits in with typical business goals (not so widely announced), i.e. maximizing revenues generated by a search engine. The better quality of search results provided to users, the more clicks. And the quality of results will never be higher than the quality of the best pages and content available for a given query.

10 Most Popular Databases You Should Know Apart From MySQL

Databases are everywhere these days, every application uses databases to store, organize and retrieve data. It has become more efficient than paper storage since it does not require more space and can also be easily accessed by multiple users at a time. There is an increase in demand for processing vast collections of data and this has become the most important reason for several companies to use databases.

Best Tips to Boost Your E-Commerce Website's User Experience

As we enter 2021, we’re seeing a renewed focus on user experience (UX). Whereas user experience was first limited to a UX designer, it encompasses so much more nowadays. User experience has become a business mentality, where everyone in a company can make a positive contribution to user experience. Some examples include the following: This article explores different tips to boost your e-commerce website’s user experience.