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How Does SQL Prompt Enables Team Collaboration - Tracy Boggiano

Tracy Boggiano, Database Architect for Sound Physicians, explains how SQL Prompt enables team collaboration. SQL Prompt enables users to write high quality SQL faster. As well as autocompleting your code, SQL Prompt takes care of formatting, object renaming, and other distractions, so you can concentrate on how the code actually works..

Observability and Monitoring | The First Myth of Apache Spark Optimization

It's valuable to know where waste in your applications and infrastructure is occurring, and to have recommendations for how to reduce that waste—but finding waste isn't necessarily fixing the problem. Check out this conversation between Shashi Raina, AWS Partner Solution Architect, and Kirk Lewis, Pepperdata Senior Solution Architect, as they dispel the first myth of Apache Spark optimization: observability and monitoring.

Workshop: Kubernetes Challenge

You are entering the mysterious world of the Kubernetes where secrets and challenges await your discovery. Watch our interactive “Kubernetes Challenge Workshop” while learning the clue on how to solve complex application mysteries in real time with StackState. Colonel Mustard, Professor Plum, and our own Ms. Scarlett will guide you through the game to help you unravel the clues to the mysteries within Kubernetes.

Creating Reliable and Easy to Maintain Connections with Git Integration for Jira

Set up your Git Integration for Jira successfully! This GitKraken workshop explores best practices for setting up and maintaining integrations between Git and Jira. The session covers workflows for both Jira Data Center and Jira Cloud, highlighting important considerations for pre-planning, configuration, and troubleshooting common issues. Discover tips to optimize integrations for large numbers of repositories, avoid rate limiting, leverage GitKraken's features for more efficient workflows, and more.

How Nagarro used Gremlin to prevent a cascading failure outage

Check out how Nagarro used Gremlin to help a client prevent a cascading failure before it caused an outage. "Once we had tested a critical software that was doing millions of online transactions on a daily basis. The design was fail safe, providing redundancy on critical services by having multiple instances deployed on different VMs. What we did was we ran a virtual machine terminate test to bring down an instance of that service with the hypothesis that it will recover automatically. Well, the service did recover automatically, but the system saw a cascading failure.

AI Essentials - Your Gateway to Machine Learning with Kubeflow with Josh Mesout & Rishit Dagli

Join Josh Mesout and Rishit Dagli in our in-depth workshop on Kubeflow as a Service, aimed at demystifying the deployment of machine learning models using open-source tools. This Civo Navigate 24 session caters to participants of all skill levels in machine learning, Kubernetes, and ML infrastructure. It covers foundational aspects of Kubeflow, dives into advanced tools like Llama 2 and Kerve, and showcases how to use these models as cost-effective alternatives to services like ChatGPT.

ManageEngine MDM Free Training- Modern management of Windows 10, 11 and Macbooks.

Mobile Device Manager Plus free training program aims to facilitate better understanding of the features and capabilities of MDM. Learn how MDM can seamlessly manage devices of different platform, setup policies in the device over-the-air and effortlessly install apps on the devices.