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What MDR Means for MSPs with Dave MacKinnon

In this conversation, Dave MacKinnon, Chief Security Officer at N-able, talks to Pete Roythorne about Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and its relevance for MSPs. They explore the differences between MDR and other technologies, the benefits of MDR for MSPs, and the cost effectiveness of implementing MDR. Dave highlights the challenges of building a Security Operations Center (SOC) and emphasizes the importance of technology selection and effective threat detection in MDR.

What is your favorite story of Hyperview helping a client?

We have two. The first is a client who was spending $700k annually on manual audits for their data centers. They were unaware that these error-prone and costly audits could be replaced with automation. By eliminating physical audits through our Asset Tracking RFID solution, they not only achieved greater accuracy and speed but also saved hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Get alerted when your Playwright checks degrade in performance

Discover how to improve your end-to-end monitoring alerts with Checkly's new feature: degraded browser check runs. In this video, you'll learn how to extend your Playwright tests to mark test runs as "degraded" under certain conditions. Marking checks as degraded gives you more control over critical alerts and you'll gain more insights into your monitoring results.

My Favourite feature of Prompt+ - Frank Geisler | Redgate

Frank Geisler, CEO of GDS Business Intelligence GmbH, explains his favourite feature of Prompt+. SQL Prompt enables users to write high quality SQL faster. As well as autocompleting your code, SQL Prompt takes care of formatting, object renaming, and other distractions, so you can concentrate on how the code actually works..

Merging to Main: Navigating Success with DORA with Paul O'Reilly & Nathen Harvey (Episode 2)

I am Paul O’Reilly, the Global Customer Advocate here at Codefresh. Join me to meet all sorts of awesome people as we explore topics around Tech, DevOps, AI, Argo and others! During this session we are live with Nathen Harvey, DORA Lead and Developer Advocate at Google Cloud, discussing all things DORA Metrics. Here are the resources mentioned in the webinar: Thank you for watching!

GitLens Tutorial: How to use the VS Code Extension

Learn GitLens with this comprehensive tutorial. Discover how to use GitLens rich set of features to enhance your IDE in Visual Studio Code. Perfect for beginners and experienced users alike, this GitLens tutorial is your expert guide to mastering this essential tool. GitLens supercharges the Git capabilities built into VS Code. Whether you’re a seasoned Git developer or just getting started, GitLens makes it easier, safer and faster to leverage the full power of Git. This GitLens tutorial will show you how to use GitLens in VS Code and get the most out of the tool.