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Reduce Downtime and Boost Efficiency with AI and Automation

IT service outages, while inconvenient, also carry widespread ramifications that affect productivity, revenue streams, business reputation, and customer satisfaction. These outages can also drive burnout and increased human error for the IT operations (ITOps) teams tasked with managing the stress that comes with urgent issues and escalations.

DDoS monitoring: how to know you're under attack

A while back, we covered how to check your Windows IIS and Loggly logs to view the source of a DDoS attack, but how do you know when your network is under attack? It is not efficient to have humans monitor logs every day and every hour, so you must rely on automated resources. Automated DDoS monitoring gives your security team more bandwidth to focus on other important tasks and still get notifications should anomalies happen due to a DDoS event.

Azure Budget Monitoring

When it comes to managing costs in the Azure cloud, it is essential to have a reliable system that can help you keep track of your spending and alert you when you are getting close to exceeding your budget. This is where Turbo360’s Budgets monitoring feature comes in. The Budgets monitoring feature in Turbo360 is designed specifically for Azure cost monitoring.

Simplifying Multi-cloud Visibility

Multi-cloud visibility is a challenge for most IT teams. It requires diverse telemetry and robust network observability to see your application traffic over networks you own, and networks you don’t. Kentik unifies telemetry from multiple cloud providers and the public internet into one place to give IT teams the ability to monitor and troubleshoot application performance across AWS, Azure, Google, and Oracle clouds, along with the public internet, for real-time and historical data analysis.

The Challenges of Partition Rebalancing in Kafka Brokers and Effective Monitoring Strategies

Apache Kafka has become an essential component in data streaming and processing architectures due to its high throughput and scalability. However, as organizations scale up their Kafka usage, they often encounter challenges such as partition rebalancing across different brokers. This imbalance can lead to significant issues, including overloaded partitions that jam traffic, affecting performance and reliability.

Mastering Version Control in SharePoint

In today’s fast-paced work environment, effective document collaboration is crucial for productivity and success. Teams often work simultaneously on projects, requiring seamless communication and coordination to ensure everyone is on the same page. However, managing multiple versions of documents can become a daunting task, leading to potential confusion and errors. Imagine working on an important document only to discover conflicting versions and lost edits.

Best 3 Internal Developer Portals List for 2024

Ever wondered how large tech teams manage to stay organized and work like a well-oiled machine? Well, much of that magic happens through Internal Developer Portals (IDPs). These portals are the backstage heroes in software development and DevOps. They're essentially platforms where all the necessary tools, resources, APIs, and documentation live, making life much easier for developers by centralizing access and control.

Cash for Tech: How to Sell Your MacBook and Make Money Fast

In today's fast-paced world, technology is constantly evolving. New models and advancements are introduced regularly, making it tempting to upgrade to the latest gadgets. If you own a MacBook and are considering selling it to make some extra cash or to fund your next tech purchase, you're in the right place. This guide will walk you through the process of selling your MacBook quickly and efficiently, ensuring you get the best value for your device.

Product Marketing vs Content Marketing: Which Strategy is Right for Your Business?

In the realm of digital marketing, businesses often face the challenge of choosing the right strategy to achieve their goals. Among the most debated are product marketing vs content marketing. Both play crucial roles in driving sales and building brand awareness, but they differ significantly in approach and execution. Understanding these differences is key to determining which strategy aligns best with your business objectives.

How CEOs Can Have a Bird's Eye View of Their Business While Traveling

The modern era is seeing businesses around the world become increasingly globalized. At the same time, given that remote work has become the norm, CEOs are finding themselves frequently on the move. According to European CEO, CEOs travel from 1 to 10 working days per month for business purposes. In fact, these top-level bosses spend more time traveling than in meetings.