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Securing Firmware Updates With AES Encryption

Connected devices require a secure point-to-point channel to ensure that there is no possibility of exposing important data for the integrity of an embedded system. This is especially true when we talk about over-the-air (OTA) software updates, where the new firmware has a long way to go before reaching its destination and being installed by our bootloader. In this publication, we will explore a simple method to encrypt the firmware using the AES algorithm, using open-source libraries in Python.

What's New in the Kubernetes 1.28 Second Release

From its humble beginnings, Kubernetes’ growth story continues to be a testament to the power of open-source collaboration, and its current 1.28 second release is certainly no exception. It’s not just a product of ingenious coding but also the sweat and night oil of a global community – from seasoned industry stalwarts to students just making their debut in the open-source world.

Securing Company Data With Enterprise Access Control

Access control is a vital security measure that manages user interactions with systems, networks, or resources, safeguarding sensitive information and preventing unauthorized access. By granting or denying specific permissions based on user roles, organizations ensure that only authorized individuals have access to data, mitigating the risk of data breaches and cyberattacks.

How eG Enterprise IT Monitoring Licensing is Cost-Effective and Flexible

IT monitoring tools are often complex to license and their licensing models are not always cost-effective. Today, I’ll cover some of the licensing models you may encounter as you evaluate IT monitoring tools. I will also highlight how eG Enterprise licensing makes it a cost-effective, affordable and flexible choice for our customers using our monitoring and observability platform.

Introduction to Azure Files Backup

Azure Files is Microsoft’s robust file storage solution, offering the ability to access data seamlessly from various locations using standard protocols. But in the world of IT, where data is the heartbeat of operations, its safety is paramount. That’s where Azure Files Backup comes into play. In a digital era, where data loss can spell catastrophe, backing up your valuable files is more than a best practice; it’s a necessity.

[New Premium feature] Share pipeline workflow configurations across your repositories

As part of our focus on building features around team scale and performance, we are happy to announce that Bitbucket Pipelines now supports sharing of CI/CD configurations across repositories. This feature is now available as part of our Premium plan. With this feature, your teams can create centralized pipelines yml workflows and import that workflow to other repositories in your workspace. This brings several benefits: Here’s how it works.

Best Architecture for Dev Collaboration: Monorepo vs. Multi-Repo

Choosing between a monorepo and a multi-repo architecture can significantly impact how development teams work together. In this article, we’ll delve into the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches, helping you make an informed decision to enhance collaboration within your dev teams.

Apica wins the Silver Stevie Award in IoT Analytics Solutions

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital performance monitoring and observability, Apica has proven once again that it stands at the forefront of innovation. The recent recognition of Apica’s exceptional contributions comes in the form of the prestigious Silver Stevie Award in the Product & Service Category. The winners were announced in the 20th International Business Awards on August 14, 2023. We are elated to win the Silver Stevie Award in the category of (IoT) Analytics Solutions.