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Best Practices and Potential Loopholes for Successful Microservices Architecture

Microservices architecture is a software development approach where an application is built as a collection of small, loosely coupled, independently deployable services. Each service focuses on a specific business capability and operates as an autonomous unit, communicating with other services through well-defined APIs. This architectural style is often used in the context of DevOps to create more efficient, scalable, and manageable systems.

Visualize service ownership and application boundaries in the Service Map

The complexity of microservice architectures can make it hard to determine where an application’s dependencies begin and end and who manages which ones. This can pose a variety of challenges both in the course of day-to-day operations and during incidents. Lacking a clear picture of the ownership and interplay of your services can impede accountability and cause application development, incident investigations, and onboarding processes to become prolonged and haphazard.

21+ Stunning FinOps Statistics You Need To Read

A recent report found that managing cloud costs, alongside resource usage, is the most pressing cloud management challenge for the fifth straight year. This makes sense, considering respondents said a staggering 32% of their cloud budget went to waste in 2022 alone. It doesn't end there. The following FinOps statistics also demonstrate the value of the cloud for many organizations.

Exploring Kubernetes Storage: Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims

In today's world of container-based applications, the role of storage has become more critical than ever. One of the most significant challenges of containerization is the management of stateful applications. Kubernetes, one of the popular container orchestration platforms, provides a solution to this problem - Persistent Volumes (PVs). PVs allow the storage provision to be decoupled from the lifecycle of the Pod, making it easier to manage stateful applications.

New User Inbox and Circuit Management

As we enter the new era of 4.0, we are thrilled to introduce a range of fresh and user-friendly features. Take a peek into your brand new User Inbox, a centralized hub for all your notifications. Explore the enhanced Connectivity add-on with Circuit Management, allowing you to conveniently bundle your connections. And for those managing multiple outlets, get ready to experience the upgraded Outlet Control functionality that will surely delight you.

AZcopy and GDPR compliance

In today’s data-driven world, managing information is more crucial than ever. With the constant flow of data, both individuals and organizations are increasingly concerned about privacy and security. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has emerged as a key legislative framework in the European Union to protect citizens’ personal data. But how does this relate to the tools we use to manage and transfer data, like Microsoft’s AzCopy?

IT Budgeting: Tips and Best Practices

One of the more important parts of organizational strategic planning for IT departments is IT budgeting. While this can be challenging, creating and following this budget can provide teams with guidance, drive innovation, improve efficiency, and contribute to accomplishing organizational goals on schedule. There are a lot of components to consider in a good IT budget, including hardware, software, services, and personnel costs.

How to Achieve Zero-Downtime Application with Kubernetes

I’ve worked on on-premised and managed Kubernetes clusters for more than seven years. What I can say is that containers have drastically changed the hosting landscape! It has brought a lot of facilities where complex setups were required. Having several instances, with rolling restart, zero downtime, health check, etc. It was such a pain and time effort before (implementing VRRP solution, application monitoring restart with monit like, load balancing haproxy like)!

IT Orchestration vs. Automation: What's the Difference?

As modern IT systems grow more elaborate, encompassing hardware and software across hybrid environments, the prospect of managing these systems often grows beyond the capacity an IT team can handle. Automation is one great way to help. But it's important to know that not all automation is the same — chatbots are probably not the solution your team is looking for to handle these incredibly complex systems.