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Managing Users and User Groups: A Guide to OKTA and Cloudsmith Integration

Explore Cloudsmith’s powerful OKTA integration for user and user group management. Dive into the benefits, security considerations, and best practices to optimize user access, streamline workflows, and bolster security in your software operations. User management is the backbone of secure and efficient software operations. As businesses grow and evolve, the tools they use must keep pace. Enter OKTA and Cloudsmith.

The Future of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Transforming Industries

Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a powerful force capable of reshaping industries across the board. From small startups to multinational corporations, organizations are actively experimenting with LLMs, recognizing their potential to disrupt the market. This blog explores the predictions from major industry leaders regarding the future of LLMs and provides insights on how businesses can leverage this technology to gain a competitive edge.

Key Steps for a More Secure Linux Server

Linux server hardening means fortifying and securing a Linux server in order to protect it from vulnerabilities and threats. While total security will always remain a moving target in the security arms race, this article explores some important fundamental steps you can take to help keep your servers safe and secure.

SolarWinds Replacements: 6 Best Alternatives

SolarWinds is a trusted name in the world of IT management. This comprehensive suite of tools is designed to help organizations manage, monitor and troubleshoot their IT infrastructure. Solarwinds encompasses several capabilities, including network performance monitoring, systems management, IT security, database management, and IT helpdesk. Still, many SolarWinds replacements exist for IT teams looking for an alternative.

Mastering Microsoft 365 Monitoring for Businesses

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, the shift towards cloud-based solutions has been nothing short of transformative. Among these technological advancements, Microsoft 365 has emerged as a cornerstone, offering a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline operations, boost collaboration, and enhance productivity. As organizations increasingly embrace the cloud, the need to ensure the performance, security, and availability of these critical services becomes paramount.

What causes Azure costs to increase?

As the adoption of cloud computing continues to surge, Microsoft Azure remains one of the leading platforms for businesses seeking scalable and efficient cloud solutions. I have been using Azure for a couple of years now; it provides a wide range of services and features, allowing organizations to host applications, store data, and deploy various workloads on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Telegraf Deployment Strategies with Docker Compose

This article, written by Shan Desai, was originally published on his blog and is reposted here with permission. Shan is a Software engineer currently employed at Emerson Discrete Automation and is an Open-Source Contributor / DIY Tech Enthusiast currently working with Industrial IoT. Telegraf is widely used as a metric aggregation tool thanks to the diverse number of plugins it provides that interface with a multitude of systems without having to write complex software logic.

What is Website Maintenance: Your Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Site Functional

Website maintenance is not that different from keeping up with the maintenance of real brick-and-mortar stores. Would you shop at a dirty store, filled with broken furniture, and selling outdated products? We didn’t think so. Website maintenance plays the same role: it makes the business inviting, makes you look professional, and engages customers.

Lookup Tables and Log Analysis: Extracting Insight from Logs

Extracting insights from log and security data can be a slow and resource-intensive endeavor, which is unfavorable for our data-driven world. Fortunately, lookup tables can help accelerate the interpretation of log data, enabling analysts to swiftly make sense of logs and transform them into actionable intelligence. This article will examine lookup tables and their relationship with log analysis.