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Monitoring IoT devices using heartbeats and MQTT gateways

When working with IoT (internet of things) devices one of the key issues is to keep track of the health of all installations. Most of the time, especially with smaller devices, the applications (firmwares) are flashed for a single time during setup and stay untouched at their location of action for a long while.

Mattermost-Jitsi: Open source, self-hosted alternatives to Zoom and Slack

Mattermost and Jitsi—open source, self-hosted alternatives to Slack and Zoom—now integrate! With the Mattermost Jitsi plugin, Mattermost users can now instantly launch secure Jitsi voice, video and screen-sharing calls, either on-prem with the self-hosted Jitsi software or via the cloud with Jitsi Meet.

Announcing the Elastic Contributor Program

Open source contributions are foundational to Elastic — from Elasticsearch’s Apache Lucene core to the addition of open source Logstash and Kibana to form the Elastic Stack you’ve come to know and love. Over the years, the Elastic community has created over 90 Beats, shared use case tutorials like those from Volvo, T-Mobile, and Microsoft, and presented at hundreds upon hundreds of meetups.

Five worthy reads: Ethical AI: Why is it the need of the hour?

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we have discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week, we highlight the urgent need for ethical AI due to increased adoption of AI enabled technologies by businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Simplify License Compliance

Today managing your licenses with Cloudsmith has become incredibly simple. Now, with the help of our License Compliance UI, not only can you update the license associated with a package without needing to modify a package, plus you can also view statistics of how your overall licenses appear across all packages within a repository. Don't believe me?

MLOps - Logs, Metrics and Traces to improve your Machine Learning Systems

Once you’ve reached the point where you want to deploy your machine learning models to production, you will eventually need to monitor operations and performance. You might also want to receive alerts in case of any unexpected behavior or inconsistencies with your model or your data quality. This is where you most likely start learning about various aspects of Machine Learning Operations (MLOps).