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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Scaling Puppeteer & Playwright on Checkly with Terraform

Managing large numbers of checks by hand quickly becomes cumbersome. Luckily, Checkly's REST API allows us to automate most of the repetitive steps. Building on that API, the Checkly Terraform Provider takes automation one step further, enabling users to specify their active monitoring setup as code. In this article, we will be building on top of John Arundel's great intro from a few months back and showing how to manage multiple checks using groups and shared code snippets.

Kubeflow operators: lifecycle management for the ML stack

Canonical, the publisher of Ubuntu, releases Charmed Kubeflow, a set of charm operators to deliver the 20+ applications that make up the latest version of Kubeflow, for easy consumption anywhere, from workstations to on-prem, public cloud, and edge. > Visit Charmed-kubeflow.io to learn more. Kubeflow provides the cloud-native interface between Kubernetes, the industry standard for software delivery and operations at scale, and data science tools: libraries, frameworks, pipelines, and notebooks.

How Log Management Underpins The Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term for the ever growing number of internet connected devices that fall beyond the realm of your typical laptop, desktop computer or smartphone. Many of us already own and use IoT devices on a daily basis, these could be anything from "smart" versions of appliances like refrigerators, thermostats and coffee machines through to your expected IoT devices such as Amazon’s Alexa & Google’s home speakers.

Accelerate Your APIs by Using the HAProxy Cache

The age of rendering most of a web page’s contents on the server and then delivering it as a colossal HTML file is fading into the past. Modern web frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue push towards creating components instead—individual elements on the page that fetch their data in the background and poll for asynchronous updates—which can be reused across your site.

AI Chihuahua: Why Machine Learning is Dogged by Failure and Delays - Ian Hellström (D2iQ)

AI is everywhere. Except in many enterprises. Going from a prototype to production is perilous when it comes to machine learning: most initiatives fail, and for the few that are ever deployed, it takes many months to do so. While AI has the potential to transform and boost businesses, the reality for many companies is that machine learning only ever drips red ink on the balance sheet.

Splunk Mobile Update: MDM Support for Microsoft Intune

In May, we announced new updates across the Splunk Connected Experiences portfolio, including support for many popular mobile device management (MDM) providers. With support for MDM capabilities, our customers can securely deploy Splunk Mobile at scale. Today, we are excited to share that Splunk Mobile now supports another popular Mobile Device Management (MDM) provider: Microsoft Intune. You can manage Splunk Mobile on both iOS and Android devices through Microsoft Intune.

The Central Role of Application Performance Monitoring in Enterprise IT

After all, when an IT outage occurs, it disrupts the business. Employee productivity is impacted, customers are unable to transact, and the organization’s brand is at stake. Monitoring needs to cover all aspects of IT – from hardware, to storage, to server to the application stack. With the focus on keeping users happy, the importance of monitoring at the application layer has had more attention recently.

Downsampling with InfluxDB v2.0

Downsampling is the process of aggregating high-resolution time series within windows of time and then storing the lower resolution aggregation to a new bucket. For example, imagine that you have an IoT application that monitors the temperature. Your temperature sensor might collect temperature data. This data is collected at a minute interval. It’s really only useful to you during the day.

TLDR InfluxDB Tech Tips; Creating Tokens with the InfluxDB API

Whether you’re using InfluxDB Cloud or InfluxDB OSS, the InfluxDB API provides a simple way to interact with your InfluxDB instance. The InfluxDB v2 API, the read and write portions are available with InfluxDB v1.8+, offers a unified approach to querying, writing data to, and assessing the health of your InfluxDB instances. In today’s Tech Tips post, we learn how to create and list authentication tokens. Tokens provide secure data flow between an InfluxDB instance and its users.

New Spot by NetApp documentation and API library

Today we’re happy to announce that Spot by NetApp documentation has been upgraded to improve both the user experience and the authoring environment. The upgraded site will speed up user access to information and make it easier to find what you need. In addition, the site is open sourced on GitHub so that users can easily suggest changes or updates on any page.