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Trust no one: Why businesses should adopt zero trust deployment

Businesses want to earn the trust of their customers. This explains why every brand dreams of ranking on the surveys that ask consumers for their most trusted brands. People, after all, trust their friends, family, and loved ones. If a brand can enjoy the same type of relationship with their customers, they will keep them for the long haul. Unfortunately, trust is easily broken. One of the quickest ways to do so as a digital business is to fall victim to a security breach.

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How to Create a Kubernetes Preview Environment

A Kubernetes preview environment is an isolated environment that allows developers to test their code at any time without worrying about how others may be affected. While implementations and use cases may vary, simulating a production environment as closely as possible is the main goal. Imagine you're part of a team developing a complex API, and you've been tasked with adding a new endpoint that relies on features within the codebase currently being optimized by one of your team members. Although your team has a development environment with seeded databases and dev versions of dependencies, you run into issues when team members want to test their optimizations at the same time as you.

Deploy PostgreSQL services to multiple clouds and regions using Terraform

In this video, you will learn how to deploy PostgreSQL services across different cloud providers and across geographies using Aiven Terraform Provider. You will also learn the benefits of using termination protection functionality to prevent accidental deletion of your cloud resources.

Playwright Explained

Playwright is an open-source framework for cross-browser automation and end-to-end web application testing. It was designed to be a fast, reliable, robust, and evergreen test automation framework, and its API supports modern rendering engines that include Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox. Playwright tests run on Windows, Linux, and macOS, locally or on your continuous integration pipeline, and headless or headed.

The future of AI

It’s no secret that every ITOps leader can face an ever-increasing amount of alerts. Since the dawn of digital, alerts have served an important purpose. Sometimes all those alerts can become overwhelming noise, and sorting out what is and is not a priority can become challenging. The good news is that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are adept at processing large data sets in real time, looking for patterns and being able to aid in decision making.

5 Ways Mobile Device Management Tools Improve Company Security

In today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world, ensuring the security of your company’s data and mobile devices is more vital than ever. Mobile device management (MDM) tools are a powerful way to protect against malicious threats and other external risks to keep your business running smoothly. Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to MDM, but there are essential features that can benefit any organization.