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How to Write an Essay: 12 Apps to Use to Be Become a Better Writer

Many students hate working on essays, finding this process super monotonous. Some get bored doing research, some struggle with writer's block, or are inattentive while editing and proofreading. But in fact, all these problems can be solved with one tool - and these are useful apps. They have a cool design, user-friendly interface and really help students create new masterpieces. All you need to do is select the desired program, turn on background music for inspiration and make a cup of tea.

The Role Of Technology In Education And Community Building

Technology has brought many positives that have improved many lives. This is especially the case when it comes to education and community building. To learn and make advancements in the community, students need to go to school, and in this article, we'll be going over how technology has helped achieve this. Below, we will highlight the role of technology in education and community building.

Canonical joins the confidential computing consortium

Canonical is committed to enabling Ubuntu users to leverage the strong run-time confidentiality and integrity guarantees that confidential computing provides. That is why we are happy to announce we have joined the confidential computing consortium, a project community at the Linux Foundation that is focused on accelerating the adoption of confidential computing and driving cross-industry collaboration around relevant open source software, standards and tools.

What Can Go Wrong for Logistics Companies Without Geofencing?

Logistics does not only involve getting company resources from point A to point B. When a company has a logistics arm, they also need to develop the practice of field service management. This applies to any kind of customer-facing logistics, whether they are service vehicles for on-site support or company cars for client visits. Unfortunately, some organizations are immature when it comes to their field service management, employing only the most bare-bones approach to the discipline.

Monitoring Android applications with Elastic APM

People are handling more and more matters on their smartphones through mobile apps both privately and professionally. With thousands or even millions of users, ensuring great performance and reliability is a key challenge for providers and operators of mobile apps and related backend services.

The security challenge facing global IoT projects

Internet of Things (IoT) deployments continue to expand globally, revolutionising the way businesses operate by boosting efficiency and enhancing experiences for customers and employees. But as is the case with many innovations, growth has outpaced security considerations resulting in unforeseen problems emerging as bad actors seek to exploit new vulnerabilities.

How Do We Cultivate the End User Community Within Cloud-Native Projects?

The open source community talks a lot about the problem of aligning incentives. If you’re not familiar with the discourse, most of this conversation so far has centered around the most classic model of open source: the solo unpaid developer who maintains a tiny but essential library that’s holding up half the internet. For example, Denis Pushkarev, the solo maintainer of popular JavaScript library core-js, announced that he can’t continue if not better compensated.

Create a streaming dataset for Apache Kafka with Docker

Experiencing Apache Kafka without a streaming dataset is impossible, and finding streaming datasets ready to be used with Kafka is quite difficult. This video showcases how you can start creating fake streaming data in minutes using Docker. CHAPTERS ABOUT AIVEN Aiven’s cloud data platform helps your business reach its highest potential by making your data work for you. It provides fully managed open source data infrastructure on all major clouds, helping developers focus on what they do best: innovate and create without worrying about the limitations of technology.

Why Your Business Needs Enterprise Mobility Management

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) Explained: Mobility is an unstoppable trend and its benefits are plentiful for businesses in 2022. However, great risks also follow and businesses must do their due diligence, which forces them to establish controls to balance the productivity. Whilst it is necessary to manage devices, there are other issues to consider. It is now vital to include applications and information that is distributed through smartphones and tablets.