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Machine-Learning Automation: Processing, Storing, & Analyzing Data in the Digital Age

The world of software is growing more complex, and simultaneously changing faster than ever before. The simple monolithic applications of recent memory are being replaced by horizontal cloud-native applications. It is no surprise that such applications are more complex and can break into infinitely more ways (and ever new ways). They also generate a lot more data to keep track of. The pressure to move fast means software release cycles have shrunk drastically from months to hours, with constant change being the new normal.

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The 2023 guide to native app development

Native app development is the creation of software programs that run on specific devices and platforms. You can build native apps for desktops, smart TVs, and so on - but since the most popular target devices are smartphones, native app development is frequently used to mean mobile app development. According to Statista's latest data, Google's Android and Apple's iOS operating systems have squeezed every other mobile OS out of the market over the years, and in the fourth quarter of 2022, they made up 99.4 percent of the total mobile market.

Why is it Important to Monitor & Manage Data Usage on Corporate Devices?

As a business owner, you are likely concerned about data usage on your company’s devices. In today’s digital age, where everything is going mobile-first, monitoring and managing data usage on corporate devices has become increasingly important for companies of any size. This article will explore why monitoring and managing data usage on corporate devices is essential, how you can do this effectively and what tools are available to help.

Public Dashboards, Incident Management, and Our New Analytics API

Late last year we announced improvements to our public dashboards that included a revamped dashboard design that allowed users to see monitoring data in a more easily-digestible way, on any device. We improved performance across the board, and also introduced new incident management functionality—available for paid plans only—that allows users to more easily communicate scheduled maintenance notices and alert developers to minor and major incidents.

Managing Open-Source K3s with the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP)

This video describes how to use D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) to manage an existing CNCF-conformant Kubernetes cluster created with K3s, a small footprint version of Kubernetes (sometimes abbreviated "K8s"). Getting to Kubernetes is a first step. Getting Kubernetes into production is quite another! You've got a few clusters in place already, and they may even be in production, but what you need now is some way to manage them all from the same place. DKP can help!

6 ways to supercharge mobile app performance

With over 7 billion mobile users worldwide, there’s almost one device for every person on the planet. Not surprisingly, the most popular apps are dominated by social media, messaging and entertainment platforms. But consumers are also shopping and managing finances via mobile devices. And while most users are accustomed to waiting a few seconds for a web application response, mobile users are less forgiving and expect an instant reaction to their swipes and taps.

Wind River Studio Releases Single Core Support with Latest Intel Processors to Deliver on 5G Needs for CSPs

Wind River announces Wind River Studio support for single core physical footprint on 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors with Intel vRAN Boost, which includes integrated acceleration to help increase throughput and decrease latency and power to support challenging 5G workloads.