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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

6 Project Ideas to Get Started with IoT

A look at the main things you need to consider when planning your IoT project with links to tutorials and source code. There’s a lot of stuff written about the Internet of Things (IoT) at a conceptual level that doesn’t really cover anything concrete. If you’ve ever wanted to get started on a real IoT project but didn’t know where to start, you are in the right place.

What Android Enterprise means for MDM

With over 2.5 billion users, Android enjoys a dominant 85% market share in the mobile operating space. It does have one glaring weakness however: enterprise. Most businesses still favor iOS, the operating system of Apple devices like the iPhone and iPad. As part of Google’s bid to secure more of the enterprise market, Android Enterprise is a software platform that provides application programming interfaces (APIs) to developers who build MDM solutions.

Why AI Isn't Working for Everyone

Digital code behind a digitized face Welcome back to our series with Nicholas Wegman, Ph.D., Senior Director of Artificial Intelligence and Alex Barnes, Senior Director of Product Management, as they continue to discuss the science behind Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reveal how it can specifically increase retail/CPG margin. In the second part of our three-part series, we’ll delve deeper into the data science of AI, and why it’s not working for every business.

Our Super Friendly AI Sloth that Analyzes Your Performance Data

Seems like everyone is building a ChatGPT thing right now, doesn’t it? Well we are too! Inspired by so many others, we decided to see what AI could do with our simplified analytics and observability data. Turns out, it can do quite a lot. I’m thrilled to share that we’ve shipped our first AI insights chatbot, Professor Sloth.

How MDM Can Protect Against Generative AI Mishaps on Digital Displays

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is defining 2023. Numerous tech companies, including OpenAI and Google, have put out large language models (LLM) that can be used by consumers directly, or integrated into other products via an application programming interface (API). Many companies are rushing to include generative AI into new or existing products. Some are even doing so in customer touchpoints, such as digital kiosks.

Best Digital Signage Growth Guide for Small Businesses

One of the aspects we appreciate about digital signage is that it promotes fairness. Unlike social media, pay-per-click (PPC), and online advertising, where coverage is often determined by budget, digital signage allows businesses of all sizes to compete equally. With digital signage, the cost of setting up and rolling out is determined by the number of screens you use rather than the number of competing companies. Digital signage is a versatile tool that anyone can easily set up.

How Civo has contributed to open source

Over the years, open source has become a way of working that allows people to modify and share designs to inspect, alter, and enhance source code. This has led to a range of benefits for users of open source, such as having more control over software, better security, more stability, and an inspired community. Last year, Mark Boost, CEO at Civo, spoke with OpenUK as part of their yearly report to discover the UK’s journey with open source.

What Is Prompt Engineering? Strategies for Creating Effective AI Inputs

The release of ChatGPT in November of 2022 elicited excitement from all corners of the internet. It could write code, diagnose patients, ace exams, write books and more — all in a matter of seconds. Yet, many people were left underwhelmed by the results. Inputting “write a blog post about…” resulted in bland and formulaic articles no one wanted to read. The AI doomers could breathe a sigh of relief as it became apparent AI wasn’t coming for tech jobs any time soon.

Top tips: Implementing ChatGPT at an enterprise level

ChatGPT is quickly being adopted for optimizing pretty much any vertical. You can write reports, come up with content, analyze data, and even get the tool to write code for you. Gartner predicts that by 2025, the AI market would be worth about $134 billion. Thankfully, many businesses are embracing this technology instead of acting hostile. This is a good thing because there is a multitude of ways in which enterprises can leverage ChatGPT.