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How To Set Up a Professional Weather Station?

Setting up a professional weather station is a fascinating project that offers a learning curve. Specifically, it can give you a chance to get real-time weather updates. So, if you are also planning to set up your own weather station, you need to take care of certain things. You need to be sure that it is installed as far as possible in the open ground, and it shouldn't have any obstructions. Or you can install it 10 feet above the top of the surrounding buildings.

How generative AI is increasing cyber risk & what to do to make sure you're ready

Generative AI is all the buzz these days with the popularity of platforms and tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, Scribe, Jasper, and others experiencing exponential growth. This is a technology that has come to the fore with the force of a runaway train that’s bringing us head long into the future at the speed of light. It is transforming everything we do from writing code to making travel plans. And cybersecurity is no exception.

Sentry's Open Source Values

This is the 25th year of the Open Source movement, and as with any social enterprise there is a constant effort to maintain and at times renegotiate the meaning of terms and the values behind them. Open Source is a child of the Free Software movement. It uncritically inherited its values and philosophy from its parent, but are those still sufficient today?

Prometheus vs. Datadog

Before we do a detailed dive into what Prometheus and Datadog are, let's look at the key comparison points. Both Prometheus and Datadog are monitoring tools, but Prometheus is open source and Datadog is proprietary. Prometheus is the de facto tool for monitoring time-series for Kubernetes, and Datadog is an all-around APM, logs, time-series, and tracing tool.

6 Tips And Tricks To Make Handling Pallets Easier

Do you want to know how to simplify your pallet-handling process? Pallets are an integral part of a supply chain's storage and movement, assisting with the easy transport of products. But for warehouse owners, manufacturers, and other business professionals - they can be a real pain in the neck if not managed properly!

Introduction to MLFlow

MLFlow is an open source platform used for managing machine learning workflows. It is a crucial component of the open source MLOps ecosystem, having passed 10 million monthly downloads at the end of 2022. It has four main components that ensure experiment tracking, model registry, model deployment and code packaging. Join our webinar to learn more about MLFlow During this webinar, Andreea Munteanu will discuss MLFlow and Charmed MLFlow, Canonical’s distribution of the open source platform.