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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

GDPR Compliance Auditing Tips

Now that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), drawn up by the European Union (EU), has finally come into effect, many of the affected organizations have been scrambling to keep up with the auditing and operational requirements of a compliance regime that’s widely recognized as one of the most stringent and comprehensive regulatory frameworks ever devised for protecting data privacy.

Sumo Logic's Third Annual State of Modern Apps and DevSecOps in the Cloud Report is Here!

Imagine that you are tasked with architecting your mission-critical cloud application. Or migrating your on-premises app to the cloud. And you ask yourself “how do the cloud savvy companies like Twitter, Airbnb, Adobe, SalesForce, etc. build and manage their modern applications?”

Docker scanning for Jenkins CI/CD security with the Sysdig Secure plugin.

In this blog post we’ll cover how to implement Docker Scanning for Jenkins with the Sysdig Secure Jenkins plugin. The plugin can be used in both freestyle and pipeline jobs to scan images and fail the build if the image fails a policy evaluation.

CloudReady Single Sign-On SAML Integration

Exoprise recently released support for Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 integration to enable CloudReady Single Sign-On (SSO) for user access to CloudReady. Exoprise always supported testing and monitoring web-based SSO like ADFS, Ping, & Okta but had not gotten around to finishing our integrated SAML support – well wait no longer – its here! No more letting users manage passwords in CloudReady unless you want to.

Scanning images in Azure Container Registry.

With the 2.0 release of Sysdig Secure, we’re excited to support new integrations with services Azure provides around containers and Kubernetes. Today we’ll be diving deeper into how to integrate Sysdig Secure with ACR (Azure Container Registry) to scan images for for security, compliance, and reliability.