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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

How To Pick The Right Type of Log Data Visualisation

Data visualisations allow users to organise and present log data in a practical, usable, and sensible manner. This tool in log management ensures that the data collected communicates real-time, actionable insights that will support timely and informed decision-making. Knowing which types of visualisation best suits a particular data set is critical in giving data visualisation optimal business value. Here is how to pick the right type of log data visualisation. Pie charts

How to Generate Metrics from Logs | Datadog Tips & Tricks

In this video, you’ll learn how to generate metrics using log events attributes to filter your logs more effectively and begin monitoring, graphing and alerting on the new metric immediately. Generating metrics from logs is a powerful tool for monitoring attributes which are parsed from your logs.

Database Monitoring for Developers with Foglight

Traditionally, DBAs are the ones primarily tasked with maintaining high availability and peak performance of the database environment. Therefore, they assume the responsibility of evaluating Performance Monitoring solutions. This requires identifying the diagnostics needs specific to the environment. With the *DevOps workflow becoming more popular, DBAs and Developers are finding it to be mutually beneficial to find efficient ways to proactively address database performance.

Though the crisis: AXA IM

Our customer base was impacted globally by COVID-19, and we were honored to be able to support them whenever and however we could. Now, in this new Through the Crisis series, they’ll be sharing some of their stories from the IT frontline. The first contribution comes from Christophe Verducci, Head of Proximity Services at leading financial services provider AXA IM.

Datadog on Kubernetes

When 2 years ago Datadog decided to move its infrastructure platform to Kubernetes we didn’t expect to find so many roadblocks, but ingesting trillions of datapoints per day in a reliable fashion requires pushing the limits of cloud computing. Creating and managing dozens of clusters, with thousands of nodes each and operating in several clouds was a challenging but rewarding learning experience. In this episode Ara Pulido, Developer Advocate, will chat with Laurent Bernaille, Staff Engineer at Datadog and part of the team that created Datadog’s Kubernetes platform. We’ll cover the challenges we found creating and scaling Datadog’s Kubernetes platform and how we overcame them.

7 Essential Principles of DevOps Success

At its core, DevOps is a set of principles. There are certain types of tools and processes that reinforce those principles and put them into practice. But the tools and processes are just a means to an end. The end itself is DevOps principles. Thus, DevOps success boils down to understanding the key DevOps principles, then identifying the tools and processes that enable your team to achieve them.
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It's Here! Monitor Microsoft Teams Audio Video Conferencing

Exoprise released its long awaited Teams Audio Video Conferencing sensor. This sensor fully tests Audio/Video end-to-end capacity, throughput, and network performance through the actual underlying Microsoft Teams and Azure infrastructure. The Teams AV sensor provides deep insight into a network's capability to handle the Teams/Skype Unified Communications (UC) platform. Desktop, Collaboration and Network administrators can now easily diagnose and proactively plan a Microsoft Teams rollout and migration.

How to Reduce Costs on AWS Lambda

As a Serverless computing service, Lambda already saves hundreds of thousands of dollars for many companies out there. While traditional server-based infrastructures usually lead to overprovisioning and waste, the Serverless pay-per-use model enables cost-effective cloud spending. Nevertheless, there are still more cost-saving opportunities that many development teams miss on AWS Lambda. Optimizing Lambda functions can be time-consuming, though.

GrafanaCONline recap: Grafana 7.0, Prometheus deep dives, Loki future, electric cars, wine waste, and more

GrafanaCONline wrapped up last Friday, and we were thrilled to have so many of you join the sessions over the past three weeks. Thank you for tuning in, asking questions, chatting on Slack, and generally making our reimagined conference a success.