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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Introducing Pre-Installed Logz.io Metrics Dashboard Bundles

We are proud to announce the launch of direct dashboard uploads with Logz.io. These new metrics dashboard templates are available for 25 different tools and more to come. Each of these templates is now available to Logz.io customers and covers the gamut of popular monitoring tools used by DevOps teams. Some of these tools also include multiple options. The process is simple. Head into the Logz.io app and head to your metrics account.

5 priorities for CISOs to regain much needed balance in 2022

Here’s what security leaders need to do in the face of rising stress levels and cyberattacks Nearly 9 out of 10 CISOs say their existing systems secured their enterprise through a shift to remote work, an ongoing labor shortage, and a huge spike in cybersecurity attacks. But that success came with a price: 64% say they’re more stressed out than they were a year ago. How can CISOs navigate a new set of challenges in 2022, while also regaining some much needed balance?

How to visualize real-time data from an IoT smart home weather station with Grafana dashboards

One of the experiences I’ve truly enjoyed over my first year as a senior solutions engineer here at Grafana Labs has been learning from our community and customers about their own Grafana journeys. I’ve been impressed by some remarkable dashboards for home automation, personal health data visualizations, family Minecraft statistics, and energy usage projects.

We Will All Be Remembered Forever - And There's Nothing You Can Do About It

I want to be remembered. I think a lot of us do. At least, that’s what I used to think. Now I am not so sure. I have a bad habit of looking at the universe through an existential lens where value is measured by impact. Impact, meaning the measurable change created by specific action. Since everything physical ultimately decays, the longest lasting impacts are those that linger in our collective memory. Great works, great triumphs, great discoveries, and great inventions – great impacts.

Extending Observability to App Infrastructure

We know organizations today rely on software applications to drive their digital transformation, providing customers with the tools, features and experience end-users have come to expect when doing things such as transact, work and communicate, to name a few. Ensuring a great user experience, however, means making sure the various elements making up a usable application are running smoothly and reliably.