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Reliability is more important than ever-are you ready?

Reliability and resiliency are getting more and more important. Is your organization ready? "Our digital infrastructure is going to be almost as important as our physical infrastructure. And when it fails, it's going to be a big deal. Like when a huge bank has a multi-day outage, when it impacts travel, safety, military, finance, government, those things are going to be much more important than they have been in the past.

How to Set Up User Feedback from Sentry

Sentry’s User Feedback gives your users an easy way to provide direct input on problems they encounter on your site – whether that be a frontend error, broken link, or misleading label – to help get context into a known error or catch an issue that can only be spotted in the UX. This simple widget can be customized to match your site’s look and feel and embedded non-intrusively. Learn how to set it up with this step-by-step demo.

Effective Observability for MLOps Pipelines at Scale with Rishit Dagli

Join Rishit Dagli as he explores effective observability for ML pipelines at scale. Learn about the critical differences between observability and monitoring in ML applications, common challenges like distribution shifts, and feedback loops. Rishit demonstrates practical methods for logging and interpreting various metrics to maintain model performance and reliability.