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Google Cloud Logging 101 - How to manage log routing at scale

Cloud logging’s log router is a power tool that gives you the flexibility to choose which logs are stored in Cloud Logging, sent to other Google Cloud products like Cloud Storage, or even sent to your favorite third-party product. In this video, we'll explore log sinks, aggregated sinks for centralized management, and the intercepting option to prevent duplicate log storage, equipping you with the knowledge to streamline your log management workflow in Google Cloud.

GitKraken Workshops: Unblock Code Collaboration with GitKraken's Code Suggest & Launchpad

Dive into the future of code reviews with GitKraken! Discover the power of Code Suggest and Launchpad in our latest workshop. From suggesting code changes anywhere in your project, to consolidating PRs, Issues, and WIPs, this workshop includes demos so you can seamlessly integrate these new features into your workflow. Gain valuable insights into overcoming traditional pull request challenges, improving collaboration, and enhancing workflow efficiency with GitKraken's DevEx platform.

What is Mobile Device Management (MDM)?

Mobile Device Management is a set of tools and working practices for managing, monitoring, and securing mobile devices such as phones, tablets, and laptops. It allows IT colleagues to control device settings, implement security measures, and perform remote locking or data wiping if a device is lost or stolen. Effective MDM can transform how IT departments manage and support mobile devices.

Connecting Self-Hosted Observability and Security with SolarWinds

Watch the full session at: slrwnds.com/TC24 The Integration Equation David Russell, Bryce Mata, and Chrystal Taylor Resolving an incident before end users are impacted is the new standard, but managing separate observability and incident management solutions is tempting fate. You are at risk of an issue slipping through the cracks. It's time to consolidate, streamline, and decomplexify your operations. Hybrid Cloud Observability combined with SolarWinds Observability and SolarWinds Service Desk make all of this much, much easier.