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How to Troubleshoot Kubernetes in Minutes

In this "Observability in Action" video, Andreas Prins, CEO of StackState, shares how you can troubleshoot Kubernetes in minutes by… Streamline your Kubernetes monitoring and troubleshooting with StackState’s full stack observability. Sign up for our free trial to see all your Kubernetes resources in one place and get the visibility and guidance you need to detect and fix issues in minutes.

Seeing AI as a Supply Chain: Implications for AI Trust, Transparency, Literacy, & Explainability

Welcome to the AI research bites. This series of short and informative talks showcases cutting-edge research work from ServiceNow AI Research team. The AI Research Bites are open to all, especially those interested in keeping up with the fast-paced AI research community.

UEM and Security Are Converging: Now What? #goivanti #webinar

Paul Troisi and Dan Lutter delve into the challenges and trends in the modern workplace, emphasizing the necessity for IT and security operations to unite against increasing cybersecurity threats. They underscore the importance of effective communication, collaboration, and education for a robust security posture, and the role of asset management in maintaining visibility and control over devices and data. The discussion concludes with a look at future trends, including the influence of AI and the need for continuous adaptation to new threats.

Real User Monitoring Report

Take an in-depth tour of the Uptime.com RUM report. Comprehensively understand your users – and your baselines. Organize RUM data by URL(s) or group URL(s) to track subdomains; segment data by devices, operating systems, browsers, countries, other geographies – to compare metrics within specific time windows to your website or application’s performance monitoring baselines.

Don't take a cookie cutter approach to incident management with Toby Jackson

This week, we have a really fun conversation lined up. For this episode, we chatted with Toby Jackson, Global SRE Team Lead at Future, about why it’s a bad idea to take a cookie-cutter approach to incident management or, put another way, why it’s not a good idea to treat all incidents alike. In our conversation, we discuss what’s wrong with this approach, some situations where this might actually make sense, how psychological safety factors into this conversation, and a whole lot more.

You're Not Too Late to the AI Party with Joey de Villa

Join Joey de Villa in his engaging Civo Navigate talk, "You're Not Too Late to the AI Party," where he demystifies artificial intelligence and reassures developers of all levels that there's still plenty of time to get involved. Joey's presentation is part technical deep dive, part career advice, and 100% entertaining. He covers the history of AI, current trends, and the ethical considerations we must navigate as this technology evolves. Perfect for software developers, Python enthusiasts, and anyone curious about AI's future.