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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Automated testing for NestJS GraphQL projects

NestJS is fast becoming the de facto framework for NodeJS projects. Unlike older frameworks, NestJS was built with TypeScript, which has become commonplace in the JavaScript community. Frameworks like NestJS seem to be preferred by teams that adopt TypeScript. NestJS supports building APIs in REST and GraphQL. The goal of this tutorial is to show how you can add unit and integration tests to a NestJS GraphQL project and automate the testing process with CircleCI.

The Ultimate Combo: Artificial intelligence and data centers

For artificial intelligence to be devoted to scaring us to death through iconic movies like 2001 or Terminator is a thing of the past, today it has other, much more interesting and practical purposes. For example, crowning itself by playing a fundamental role in data processing and analysis. Yes, that’s her, the futuristic AI, increasingly faster, more efficient and, now, necessary to manage data centers.

History of Open Source Identity Management (part 2)

This is the second blog post (part 1 available here) where we look at the history of open source identity management. This post focuses on Oauth and OpenID, the protocols currently used in modern applications and services. This post does not cover the technical details of the open source identity management standards, which are explained very well in this Okta blog post. Rather, it explains the origins of Oauth and OpenID, and provides insights on the context that led to their creation.

Monitor Mobile Vitals with Datadog

After you release an Android application, you need to ensure a smooth, engaging experience for users. Poor performance and heavy resource consumption can cause your application to rank lower for prospective users in the Google Play Store, and existing users can become frustrated and even uninstall your application. All of this can spell trouble for business-related performance indicators like engagement and discoverability.

User-scoped API Keys

Checkly has released a change to the way API keys are created and managed. In the past, API keys were account-scoped. These account-scoped keys have full access rights to your Checkly account and no accountability to which user is using the key. When we originally built Checkly, we made it a tool to enable individual developers to quickly and easily set up browser and API checks. We help ensure your web applications are up and running and send alerts when something goes wrong.

Percepio Brings Big Debugging Boost for Microsoft Azure RTOS ThreadX Developers

Percepio®, a leader in visual trace diagnostics for embedded systems and the Internet of Things (IoT), today announced improved support for Microsoft Azure and Azure RTOS ThreadX in Tracealyzer, two enhancements that will ease the development and debugging of Azure IoT systems.