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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Benefits of Enterprise Alert's Mobile App

Being in touch with your customers is key to any business. We at Derdack pride ourselves in being customer first when it comes to not only product enhancements and features but also support and building that customer/vendor relationship that lasts for years. We recently took a trip to Texas to visit several customers and the feedback was invaluable! We received a lot more information with a face-to-face meeting that just would not be the same if it were done virtually, like over Teams.

IoT in Banking: Examples of IoT technology used in financial services

Banking is becoming more convenient thanks to the Internet and our many connected devices, and the future of the banking industry is growing increasingly digital. Whether discussing the future of retail banking or the future of mobile banking, technology is playing a larger role in our everyday transactions. The Internet of Things (IoT) is part of this rapid evolution toward the bank of the future, and both consumers and financial institutions need to adapt to these retail and mobile banking trends.

How We Implemented a Zero-Error Policy Using Coralogix

With dozens of microservices running on multiple production regions, getting to a point where any error log can be immediately identified and resolved feels like a distant dream. As an observability company, we at Coralogix are pedantic when it comes to any issue in one of our environments. That’s why we are using an internal Coralogix account to monitor our development and production environments.

How to build a data science and machine learning roadmap in 2022

Closing the gap between their organization’s choice to invest in a data science and machine learning (DSML) strategy and the needs that business units have for results, will dominate data and analytics leaders’ priorities in 2022. Despite the growing enthusiasm for DSML’s core technologies, getting results from its strategies is elusive for enterprises.

Tracing & Logging with the `TRICE` Library (Interrupts too!)

If you develop software for an embedded system, you need some kind of system feedback. Debuggers are awesome tools, but when it comes to analyzing dynamic behavior in the field, they cannot be used. For remote debugging, many engineers turn to printf, which can usually be quickly put in place after having a putchar() implemented. This turns out to be an expensive way, in terms of processor clocks and required FLASH memory for the strings.

What Are the Benefits and Features of Inventory Management Mobile Application?

Nowadays mobiles are an important part of the business. But a few years back the mobile was considered just a tool used for communication but as technology evolved the mobile also evolved and new features are installed and now the mobile is an essential part of the business. If a business is not equipped with a mobile, then business suffers. That is why organizations ensure that their application and website are mobile-friendly.