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API performance testing with k6

Performance testing measures how well systems perform when subjected to various workloads. The key qualities being tested are stability and responsiveness. Performance testing shows the robustness and reliability of systems in general, along with the specific potential breaking points. In this tutorial, you will use k6 to do load testing on a simple API hosted on the Heroku platform. Then you will learn how to interpret the results obtained from the tests.

A Developer's Guide to Continuous Performance Testing

One of the most important phrases of DevOps practices is “Test early, test often.” It’s crucial to perform functional testing early with unit tests and integration tests. But it’s equally important to perform non-functional testing. That means you should have performance tests. As markets become more saturated with each passing day, you no longer have the luxury to postpone performance testing until all features are developed.

Getting the best out of Samsung Knox management with Mobile Device Manager Plus

In case you missed it, Samsung Knox has verified Mobile Device Manager Plus as a Knox Validated Partner solution. This means that our EMM solution meets its business-level requirements for 2022, and that we support a wide range of features to help you get the best out of all your mobile devices that support Samsung Knox capabilities.

Managing Machine Learning Workloads Using Kubeflow on AWS with D2iQ Kaptain

While the global spend on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) was $50 billion in 2020 and is expected to increase to $110 billion by 2024 per an IDC report, AI/ML success has been hard to come by—and often slow to arrive when it does. There are four main impediments to successful adoption of AI/ML in the cloud-native enterprise.

Percepio Joins the Zephyr Project

Last summer, we added support for the open source Zephyr RTOS to Tracealyzer. Today, in recognition of the potential of Zephyr to become the leading independent platform for small IoT devices, Percepio joined the Zephyr Project as a Silver sponsor. Percepio made significant contributions to the Zephyr source code, extending the tracing subsystem to allow full tracing of Zephyr applications in line with the capabilities of Tracealyzer.