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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Infovista supports service management and orchestration with launch of its rApp program for new Ericsson Intelligent Automation Platform

First integration will be Infovista Planet as cloud-native, Open RAN-compliant Network Design and Optimization microservices to automate planning and optimization of multi-vendor and multi-technology networks.

Deploying your first Serverless REST API within minutes

In this video, we'll show you how to get started with the serverless framework in minutes. To make sure your app will be running smoothly at all times, we'll also take you through how to set up observability for debugging, alerting, and troubleshooting so that you don't miss any critical errors and warning signs.

Play with the Speedscale - no registration required

For the first time, Kubernetes engineering teams interested in learning more about Speedscale will be able to play with the framework without registering, at play.speedscale.com. Engineers can see firsthand how you: While users won’t be able to actively watch replays run, there are a variety of pre-created traffic snapshots, reports and configs to browse. Engineers will be able to experience the ease with which snapshots are generated for fast, scalable test automation.

Embedding Artificial Intelligence At Work: From Efficiency Gains To Leadership Expertise

With the increasing adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) applications at the workplace, the debate about the future of work, workers, and the workplace has intensified. The polarised nature of debate ranges from job losses versus new-technology job creation through performance efficiency versus performance effectiveness to liberating humans from drudgery versus being controlled by machines. While several other polarities are evident in this debate, the truth always lies somewhere in between.

Do it Yourself: Generic REST API-Based Monitoring

DX Unified Infrastructure Management (DX UIM) has more than 150 monitoring probes, which enables IT administrators to monitor everything from traditional mainframe servers to modern hybrid clouds running on a wide range of platforms and operating systems. Traditionally, a separate probe has been required to monitor each specific technology. That’s because the interface that retrieved monitoring metrics was either proprietary or technology specific.

What Is IoMT (And How Is It Shaping Healthcare)?

Smart devices are everywhere nowadays, from refrigerators and coffee makers to security cameras and thermostats. A significant percentage of these Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices are designed for consumers. However, they have also become a mainstay in various other fields, including healthcare, where their use has become prolific. The Internet-of-Medical-Things (IoMT) market has exploded in value, forecasted to reach approximately $158.1 billion by 2022, according to Deloitte.

Logz.io Moves to Embrace OpenSearch at the Core of its Platform

As Logz.io prepares to hold its annual ScaleUP user conference tomorrow, celebrating another amazing year of customer success and continued advancement of our observability platform, we’ve got exciting news to share about our involvement with the OpenSearch project.