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Publish SIGNL4 oncall and alert information to your Grafana dashboard

Grafana is as open source analytics and interactive visualization application. You can connect different data sources to display chart and graphs or even trigger alerts. Wouldn’t it be great to add information about SIGNL4 alerts or about who is on call as part of your dashboard? In this case you immediately get an overview about open, acknowledged, and closed alerts per category. Of you can see wo it currently on duty. Here is an example with a who-is-on call, and an alert overview panel.

In Studio NMG - Private 5G for CSPs

Enterprises worldwide are adopting intelligent infrastructure and automation technologies as they prepare to deploy Industry 4.0 applications. Private 5G, along with Open Radio Access Networks (O-RAN), will enable these expectations. Private 5G networks deployed by MNOs, CSPs and Systems Integrators (SIs), will consist of an ecosystem of partner companies to create new services and solutions. This is increasingly important in Private 5G since, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. User application requirements will vary depending on size, industry, applications, and desired operating models, and they will evolve as their business needs change. This session points out the reasons that Private 5G is the right technology choice for CSPs, and the challenges of deploying a Private 5G network.

A Roadmap to Modernise IT Service and Operations Management

In the last decade or so AI has gone from a buzzword to table stakes. Data reveals that organizations that have adopted AI into their service management strategy have begun to reap the benefits. It is therefore imperative for businesses to invest in Intelligent Service Management to not just empower their agents but also keep up with rising employee expectations.

The Astronomical scope of Private 5G - and how to unlock its massive benefits

As enterprises prepare to deploy Industry 4.0 applications, they are increasingly adopting intelligent infrastructure and newer automation technologies. With aggressive digitalization comes an insatiable appetite for improved performance and new services. Enterprises and customers are adopting the current 5th Generation (5G) mobile network as quickly as it becomes available.

History of Open Source Identity Management (part 1)

Few computing concepts are as ubiquitous as identity and access management. There isn’t a single day that goes by without us being asked for credentials, passwords or pin codes. Yet very few know the origins and the evolution of the technologies behind them. This is the first of two blog posts where we will look at the history of open-source identity management. We will cover the main open-source protocols and standards that shaped it, from its origins to the modern days.

Achieve Breakthrough Performance in Your Microsoft Environment

In a world where 1.145 trillion MB of data is generated every day, the art of database management has become more important than ever. I use the word “art” because it captures a sense of the wizardry needed to effectively manage data. After all, our world is dominated by mobile devices and hybrid IT environments. Database migrations happen regularly, and data resides both on-premises and in the cloud. All these things have brought a new complexity to database management.
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The HTTP/2 Landscape in 2021

When the internet first came into existence in 1983, its communication channels didn't exist, and it was just operational enough to be used for research purposes. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee had the idea to develop a system for the internet using TCP/IP protocols. That public project at CERN introduced HTTP, HTML, World Wide Web (WWW), and a client-server as communication mechanisms. In this post, you'll learn how HTTP protocol works and how new versions brought it to where we are now, with the widely used HTTP/2 in 2021.