Announcing StackStorm Vagrant & OVA
We’re glad to announce that StackStorm Vagrant box and Community OVA are available for general use and included as installation method in StackStorm Docs.
We’re glad to announce that StackStorm Vagrant box and Community OVA are available for general use and included as installation method in StackStorm Docs.
In addition to our weekly roundup of Grafana-related articles and upcoming events, we’re pleased to announce Grafana v5.1.3 has been released!
Having worked closely with software developers for almost a decade, I’ve noticed some common traits amongst them. Technically minded people think about problems in different ways. I’m often stunned how I could miss such an obvious data point or edge case when discussing product changes with people who have a far greater technical mind than myself.
For as long as I can remember, I have loved building businesses. Ideas have always come naturally to me, and over the years I have honed my skills at actually making those ideas a reality. I recall one of my first businesses at about 12 or 13 years old, designing nicer looking versions of property data sheets for real estate agents to give out to prospective buyers. My most recent profitable business is StatusGator, a status page monitoring and alerting service.
Before the philosophy of DevOps, developers would build products, services, and infrastructures , but the responsibility for maintaining them would shift to operators, aka system or IT admins. The DevOps philosophy removes the boundary between Operations and Development teams, making system reliability a shared responsibility of all parties.
Logs contain some of the most valuable data available to developers, DevOps practitioners, Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) and security teams, particularly when troubleshooting an incident. It’s not always easy to extract and use, though. One common challenge is that many log entries are blobs of unstructured text, making it difficult to extract the relevant information when you need it.
On October 21, 2016 at approximately 4am PST, the internet broke. OK, we know the internet doesn’t “break.” But hundreds of important services powering our modern web infrastructure had outages – all stemming from a DDoS targeting Dyn, one of the largest DNS providers on the internet.
While Jay-Z taught me about bringing DevOps into Marketing, it was Shakespeare who really grounded me in the customer experience. I remember learning in school about how Shakespeare’s plays were lauded for two main reasons.
Want magical per-request instrumentation to roll effortlessly out of your Go app without even looking like you’re trying? Meet the Honeycomb Beeline for Go!
We’ve officially released Mattermost 4.10 and there are several features we think you’ll like: Faster load times – enjoy a smoother experience thanks to significantly faster loading times during start up and after refresh. Convert channels to private – keep important discussions confidential by easily converting public channels into private channels.