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Course 101: Instrumentation, Software Metrics, Monitoring, Alerts

Since the 1920s, higher education institutions have been using this term to describe the nomenclature of the early years of study. Here we announced some time ago our intentions to focus on tutorials, but we believe that as knowledge is important, we have brought you different kinds of articles because we consider that wisdom is a valuable asset (we include a source for some online encyclopaedias).

Ensure Issues Reach The Right Person With Problem Reporting in OpsGenie

Think about the last time you or someone at your company found an error or technical issue with a critical system at work. Did you know immediately how to report that issue? Did you know who on the team was the right person to communicate the issue to? Often, employees have no idea how to answer these questions. They lack context and access to the right tools to take action themselves.

Why Open Source Is Mainstream

This is a short piece highlighting how open source and enhanced open source software like GroundWork and others (we can use big examples like Atlassian and Cloudera) are now taken as mainstream components for many company toolsets. There is a concept in selling products that are “sticky,” or that are not easily or cost-effectively changed out.

Introducing Versions

We built Versions for customers who are adopting software development practices like Continuous Delivery. One important habit to cultivate when you're seeking to adopt Continuous Delivery is to deploy early and often. This is easier to do when you have a tool like Rollbar that allows you to see all production errors instantly and quickly prioritize and debug them as needed. With Versions, we're making it even easier for you to use Rollbar to monitor errors from code revisions you've just deployed.

Feature Focus: Audit Log

Accountability is an important part of the work IT professionals do, especially when it comes to security and outages. A minor change by a single tech or engineer can crash entire systems, and it’s sometimes crucial to question that person on their methods and changes to determine a solution. Accountability is especially important when several people are regularly using the same tool.

Dump Google Analytics and use Ahoy to track your Rails app traffic

StatusGator is built on Ruby on Rails, a popular choice for rapid web application development for more than a decade. One of the many benefits of Rails is its rich ecosystem of open source gems which can provide massive value quickly. We discovered one such gem, Ahoy, on our recent quest to understand how our users find out about StatusGator.

How to collect, customize, and manage Rails application logs

Logging is an important part of understanding the behavior of your applications. Your logs contain essential records of application operations including database queries, server requests, and errors. With proper logging, you always have comprehensive, context-rich insights into application usage and performance. In this post, we’ll walk through logging options for Rails applications and look at some best practices for creating informative logs.