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How AI/ML Helps Retailers Keep 3 Promises This Holiday Season?

Another holiday season will soon be upon us, and many retailers and eCommerce businesses are already making plans. As you take inventory of what you learned last holiday season, let’s start with some lessons learned by the entire retail industry this time last year. In addition to stocking up on hot items and planning your promotions, the most competitive sites found that using AI/ML to optimize customer experience not only kept customers happy, it dramatically increased their revenues.

What Is Lambda Architecture? (for dummies)

From ancient Rome and Greece throughout Latin America and Egypt, there is only one thing beside the history itself that kept those ancient times alive even today – the architecture. The most important part of any era in our immersive history was the building of magnificent objects all around the world. These objects, even today, are some of the many wonders of the world.

Monitoring Kafka in Production

Franz Kafka was a German-speaking Bohemian Jewish novelist and short story writer, widely regarded as one of the major figures of 20th-century literature. Apache Kafka, on the other hand, is an open-source stream-processing software platform. Due to its widespread integration into enterprise-level infrastructures, monitoring Kafka performance at scale has become an increasingly important issue.

The strange case of SNMP: A weird story about protocols

A crime had taken place in Manhattan Grow, a well-established company, so to speak, of invoices. Someone shouted “OH MY GOD, WE MUST FIND THE GUILTY ONE! There wasn’t enough coffee and doughnuts in the machine to calm the entire office. In the middle of summer, the sky was slowly walking towards dusk, slowly fading away. No one was going to leave Manhattan Grow until the mess was fixed. Heads were going to roll.

Icinga 2 DSL Feature: Namespaces coming in v2.10

Under the hood, Icinga 2 uses many constants and reserved keywords, e.g. “Critical” or “Zone” which are respected by the config parser and compiler. This sometimes leads to errors when users accidentally override such things, or re-define their own global constants. v2.10 introduces namespaces for this purpose, and ensures that such accidents won’t happen anymore.

Kubernetes monitoring with Prometheus - Prometheus operator tutorial (part 3).

We covered how to install a complete ‘Kubernetes monitoring with Prometheus’ stack in the previous chapters of this guide. But using the Prometheus Operator framework and its Custom Resource Definitions has significant advantages over manually adding metric targets and service providers, which can become cumbersome for large deployments and doesn’t fully utilize Kubernetes’ orchestrator capabilities.

How IT Pros Can Maximize Efficiency With Uptime.com

IT professionals have to efficiently manage several dozen to several hundred critical pieces of infrastructure a modern business needs to stay afloat. Even smaller businesses often encounter this challenge. We understand that at every level, the time spent researching these issues comes at a cost. That’s why we’ve built some time-saving measures into Uptime.com to help you make more efficient use of your most precious resource: your time.