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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Smooth Sailing: Ensuring Reliable Connectivity with Azure ExpressRoute Monitoring

Are you ready to set sail on a journey to reliable connectivity with Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute monitoring? Just like navigating the seas, sailing in the cloud can be a bumpy ride if you don't have the right tools to keep your ship on course. But fear not, because we're here to help you chart a course to success with Azure ExpressRoute monitoring!

Reinforcing Networks: Advancing Resiliency and Redundancy Techniques

Resiliency is a network’s ability to recover and maintain its performance despite failures or disruptions, and redundancy is the duplication of critical components or functions to ensure continuous operation in case of failure. But how do the two concepts interact? Is doubling up on capacity and devices always needed to keep the service levels up? The truth is, designing a network that can withstand the test of time, traffic, and potential disasters is a challenging feat.

Dealing with Unknown Threats

The cybersecurity threat landscape facing every organization is constantly changing. Cybercriminals are always looking for new vulnerabilities to exploit or changing existing attack methods to bypass protections. They also go to great lengths to hide their activities within regular network traffic and application activity. The attack surface that organizations present to attackers is also in a constant state of flux.

Data Centers: The Ultimate Guide To Data Center Cooling & Energy Optimization

Data centers provide a central space to house IT resources required to run applications of any business. To get the best out of data centers, optimizing their performance, scalability, energy efficiency, availability, security and cost-effectiveness is important. Of all those parameters, energy efficiency optimization is one of the most important things organizations must consider, as the consequences of energy-inefficient data centers are significant.

Implementing OpenTelemetry in React applications

OpenTelemetry can be used to trace React applications for performance issues and bugs. You can trace user requests from your frontend web application to your downstream services. OpenTelemetry is an open-source project under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that aims to standardize the generation and collection of telemetry data. React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is a free and open-source frontend JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components.

A Fireside Chat with CNCF's CTO on OpenTelemetry (and More!)

KubeCon Europe 2023 will be held in Amsterdam in April, with many exciting updates and discussions to come around projects from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). That’s why I was thrilled to host Chris Aniszczyk, the CTO of the CNCF on the March 2023 episode of OpenObservability Talks. We had a wide-ranging, free-flowing conversation that touched on all things cloud native, observability and the future of our space.

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4 Challenges of Serverless Log Management in AWS

Serverless services on AWS allow IT and DevSecOps teams to deploy code, store and manage data, or integrate applications in the cloud, without the need to manage underlying servers, operating systems, or software. Serverless computing on AWS eliminates infrastructure management tasks, helping IT teams stay agile and reducing their operational costs - but it also introduces the new challenge of serverless log management.

Identifying Layer 7 application traffic to optimize WAN links

Network administrators around the globe are very concerned about the types of traffic in their networks. They want their critical business applications over the WAN to perform at their best. Non-critical apps, like social media apps, downgrade the performance of WAN links. Therefore, administrators should have the necessary controls to prioritize business applications on WAN links.