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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Achieving the Observability Imperative Requires AI

The shift to Observability Over the last six months, unified monitoring, log management, and event management vendors have reoriented their technology portfolios (often without any change to the underlying functionality) towards Observability. In so doing, a fair amount of confusion has been generated in the market.

Is the New Elasticsearch SSPL License a Threat to Your Business?

The recent changes to the Elasticsearch license could have consequences on your intellectual property. On the 14th of January 2021, Elastic announced through their blog that Elasticsearch and Kibana will be moving over to a Server Side Public License (SSPL). This license change, effective from Elasticsearch version 7.11, has business owners that rely on the ELK stack rightly concerned.

Get ready for SCOMathon 2021 | The Big Survey

SCOMathon 2020 was one of the highlights of Microsoft SCOM community-driven events last year. Within a 16-hours marathon on all things SCOM, high-class tutorials were delivered to an excited audience of over 1.000 participants, eager to learn the latest hot topics to evolve their SCOM knowledge. Not to mention the overwhelming runner’s high when crossing the finishing line along with so many like-minded people.

Troubleshooting Kubernetes Job Queues on DigitalOcean, Part 2

Kubernetes work queues are a great way to manage the prioritization and execution of long-running or expensive menial tasks. DigitalOcean managed Kubernetes services makes deploying a work queue straightforward. But what happens when your work queues don’t operate the way you expect? SolarWinds® Papertrail™ advanced log management complements the monitoring tools provided by DigitalOcean and simplifies both the debugging and root cause analysis process.

LeadDev Live 2021- Habits of highly-performing teams

There is a yawning gap opening up between the best and the rest — the elite top few percent of engineering teams are making incredible gains year over year in reliability and lack of technical drag forces, while the bottom 50% are losing ground. Take an engineer out of an elite-performing team and place them in the bottom 50%, and they become subpar too; take an engineer out of a mediocre team and embed them in an elite team, and they are pulling their weight within the year. I will share with you everything I know — everything that went into building a high-performing team at Honeycomb.