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How the New Influx Query Engine Was Designed-And How to Use It With Grafana

Flux, the long-awaited new functional query processing engine for InfluxDB, has finally landed. If you’re curious to learn more about the hows and whys of its design, check out this GrafanaCon EU session with InfluxData Cofounder and CTO Paul Dix. Also we’d like to share a recent presentation from David Kaltschmidt, Director, UX for Grafana Labs on the new Flux support in Grafana!

Logz.io Releases DevOps Pulse 2018 for SysAdmin Day, Revealing Most DevOps Departments Fall Short in Security

Boston and Tel Aviv, July 26, 2018 — Logz.io, the leader in AI-powered log analysis, releases the results of their annual DevOps Pulse survey in honor of SysAdmin Day 2018, a day dedicated to honoring the work of SysAdmins and DevOps professionals across the globe. This year, the survey emphasized security and compliance in light of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enforcement and worldwide concerns over data privacy and the growing threat landscape.

Announcing our new partnership with Slack

When we announced Stride in September 2017, we said, “It’s time we rethink the way we’re working. We believe that teams can stay connected and keep moving forward.” We still believe that. We knew we were taking a risk by entering an already competitive real-time team communications market, but we were willing to do the hard work necessary to build a great product. And we believe we were on that path.

How to Ensure Your App Is Online and Working Properly

Your application is deployed. You checked a few endpoints, and they work as expected. You can log in and see the generic home page. There aren’t any exceptions in the logs—or at least any new ones. Great! But what does that mean for your customers and partners? Does everything work for them?

When is a website considered down ...as opposed to just slow?

When you visit a webpage that is down, most of the time you'll see an error: you'd see a 404 error if the page can't be found or a 503 if the server isn't unavailable. Although this is not what you want to see, it is helpful. You know that the site is down and have a rough idea why. But sometimes you don't see an error... just a spinning wheel.

The Real Cost of Healthcare Miscommunication

Miscommunication isn’t just about the frustration that ensues when direction isn’t followed or understood by colleagues. For the healthcare industry, miscommunication could mean the loss of billions of dollars and endangering the lives of patients. That’s why physicians must implement a clinical communication solution to avoid the risks associated with poor, care team collaboration methods.

Life at Sentry: Meet Chloe Condon, Developer Evangelist(a)

In our appropriately named Life at Sentry series, we talk to Sentry employees about what life is like at Sentry (and how they ended up here). In this edition, we’re chatting with Chloe Condon, Developer Evangelist(a) at Sentry, about stumbling into tech, imposter syndrome, and not getting cast as Carrie in “Carrie: The Musical.” Take a look at our available jobs if you’re interested in joining us.

Prometheus vs. Graphite: Which Should You Choose for Time Series or Monitoring?

One of the key performance indicators of any system, application, product, or process is how certain parameters or data points perform over time. What if you want to monitor hits on an API endpoint or database latency in seconds? A single data point captured in the present moment won’t tell you much by itself. However, tracking that same trend over time will tell you much more, including the impact of change on a particular metric.