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ExpressJS Container Debugging

In recent years, the landscape of application development has experienced a paradigm shift, largely driven by the rise of containerization and microservices architectures. Amid this transformation, Express.js has emerged as a dynamic and versatile framework that stands as a one-stop shop for crafting robust web applications. Its popularity owes much to its minimalist approach, allowing developers to swiftly build APIs and web applications with ease.

Streamlining operations with automation from Spot by NetApp

The increased usage of containerization and virtual machines (VMs) in cloud infrastructure comes with its operational toll. Teams are preoccupied with complex and tedious tasks that prevent them from focusing on applications and architecture and driving the business value they can deliver. Organizations are seeking efficient solutions to optimize their cloud operations and enhance scalability.

Azure and VMWare Integration

In today’s rapidly transforming digital landscape, virtualization and cloud computing have become pivotal technologies. Among the leaders in these fields, VMware and Microsoft Azure stand as two monumental names, each carving out unique niches and empowering businesses to reach new heights. The integration between VMware’s virtualization solutions and Azure’s vast cloud services is not merely a technical novelty but a strategic alignment that reshapes the way enterprises operate.

More than downtime: the opportunity costs of poor incident management

In my last blog post, I wrote about the explicit costs of incidents — the ones you can easily track based on dollars lost. But the cost of incidents goes beyond the time spent resolving them. While we’re spending our time managing incidents (that includes mitigating and retrospectives), we’re incurring a large opportunity cost in terms of releasing the next big thing.

Mastering Communication: 8 Skills for Enhancing Dev to Dev Collaboration

Collaboration: the secret sauce of every software project. But let’s be honest, mastering the communication needed for seamless teamwork is like trying to herd cats wearing roller skates – sounds amusing, but feels impossible. From navigating multiple time zones and illegible pull requests to juggling so many tasks simultaneously that your brain feels like a browser with fifty tabs open – teamwork isn’t always a walk in the park.

CloudZero Vs. Homegrown Cloud Cost Tooling

From 2022 to 2023, worldwide cloud spending is expected to increase to $597.3 billion, up from $491 billion in 2022. Year over year, that’s a 21.64% increase. Compare that to the 15.42% increase (at the time of writing) in the Nasdaq-100 Technology Sector Index, and you see a simple, inconvenient truth: Cloud spend is outpacing business growth by a substantial margin. It’s no wonder that cloud efficiency sits at the top of many companies’ priority lists.

How to Detect Microsoft Teams Outages: Is MS Teams Down?

Microsoft Teams is a vital tool for businesses, organizations, and individuals seeking seamless connectivity. Whether it's coordinating projects, holding virtual meetings, or sharing critical information, Teams has redefined how we interact and cooperate. However, even the most robust platforms occasionally face disruptions, and when Microsoft Teams encounters an outage, the impact can ripple through workflows, communications, and productivity.

How to reduce waste in manufacturing

In the world of manufacturing, you need to keep a constant eye on the waste that is produced. This doesn't only come from a physical perspective. In fact, there is plenty of waste involved in time and the processes that you are currently putting in place. If you can keep waste down to a minimum, you are doing more to make your enterprise as lean as possible. So, here are a few pointers to help you keep waste down as low as possible.