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Choosing the Right Kubernetes Cluster Setup: A Comprehensive Guide

Kubernetes has revolutionized how modern applications are deployed, managed, and scaled. As the container orchestration platform of choice, Kubernetes provides a dynamic and highly efficient environment for running containerized applications. At the heart of this ecosystem lies the intricate relationship between Kubernetes and the applications residing within its clusters. Applications within Kubernetes clusters are arranged through Pods, which are managed and scaled by various controllers.

Coralogix vs Splunk: Support, Pricing and More

Splunk has become one of several players in the observability industry, offering a set of features and a specific focus on legacy and security use cases. That being said, how does Splunk compare to Coralogix as a complete full-stack observability solution? Let’s dive into the key differences between Coralogix vs Splunk, including customer support, pricing, cost optimization, and more.

Active Directory Certificate Services: Definition & Configuration

Numerous organizations rely on Windows Server as the backbone of their IT infrastructure. Many also use PKI to address diverse security requirements, including web server security (SSL), certificate-based authentication, digital document signatures, and email encryption (S/MIME). Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) is a Windows Server role that connects these two elements together. In this article, we'll dig into what AD CS is, best practices for using it, and details on configuring it.

CloudZero Vs. Homegrown Cloud Cost Tooling

From 2022 to 2023, worldwide cloud spending is expected to increase to $597.3 billion, up from $491 billion in 2022. Year over year, that’s a 21.64% increase. Compare that to the 15.42% increase (at the time of writing) in the Nasdaq-100 Technology Sector Index, and you see a simple, inconvenient truth: Cloud spend is outpacing business growth by a substantial margin. It’s no wonder that cloud efficiency sits at the top of many companies’ priority lists.

Big Data Analytics: Challenges, Benefits and Best Tools to Use

Imagine yourself with a folder containing millions of gigabytes of data. If you were asked to process it with an Excel spreadsheet, you wouldn’t need to be a data expert to know that’s impossible. We refer to that amount of data as “big data”. Big data requires advanced techniques, tools, and methods beyond what regular data analytics entails, which is where big data analytics comes in.

Black Hat USA: Adaptable Security From HAProxy

The curtain rose and fell on another spectacular Black Hat USA, the conference set against the backdrop of fabulous Las Vegas in the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. We knew upon hitting the Strip that all the glamor and neon lights were just the preshow for the main event: innovation and the latest in cybersecurity. We couldn’t wait to show attendees and fellow vendors what we had to offer.

Comparing Six Top Observability Software Platforms

When it comes to observability, your organization will have no shortage of options for tools and platforms. Between open source software and proprietary vendors, you should be able to find the right tools to fit your use case, budget and IT infrastructure. Observability should be cost-efficient, easy to implement and customers should be provided with the best support possible.

Streamlining operations with automation from Spot by NetApp

The increased usage of containerization and virtual machines (VMs) in cloud infrastructure comes with its operational toll. Teams are preoccupied with complex and tedious tasks that prevent them from focusing on applications and architecture and driving the business value they can deliver. Organizations are seeking efficient solutions to optimize their cloud operations and enhance scalability.

ExpressJS Container Debugging

In recent years, the landscape of application development has experienced a paradigm shift, largely driven by the rise of containerization and microservices architectures. Amid this transformation, Express.js has emerged as a dynamic and versatile framework that stands as a one-stop shop for crafting robust web applications. Its popularity owes much to its minimalist approach, allowing developers to swiftly build APIs and web applications with ease.